Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1


blood might attract ravenous, blood-drinking crea-
tures such as stirges or vampire spawn.)

  • The song of an unholy choir echoes through an area
    whenever a fight breaks out, then fades away when
    combat ends.

Ha laster recently sent Fazrian a host of yugoloths to
command. They include a pair of arcanaloths named
Aximus and Exekarus; the nycaloth, Raxxus; and the
ultroloth, Xindulus. Why Fazrian spared these yugoloths
and destroyed the others is uncertain, but one could
speculate that the planetar didn't want to seem entirely
ungrateful. The survivors wormed their way into Fazri-
an's evil graces, coming to believe that the fallen angel
is destined for glory. In Fazrian they see the potential
for great rewards-or, at least, compensation beyond the
modest sum the Mad Mage promised them.
The yugoloths place their own welfare above all oth-
ers. If more profitable prospects come along, they don't
hesitate to abandon Fazrian in favor of whatever lucra-
tive offer catches their attention.

A duergar prince named Valtagar Steelshadow traveled
to Undermountain to plunder its mines and use the
wealth to buy his way back into the court of his older
brother, King Horgar Steelshadow V, the Deepking of
Gracklstugh (see the adventure Out of the Abyss for
more information on this subterranean duergar city).
Valtagar's problems began years earlier, when he led a
hunting expedition into a region of the Underdark pa-
trolled by the drow houses of Menzoberranzan. Valtagar
was captured by drow scouts, and Horgar was forced
to pay a king's ransom in coin and slaves to free him.
Hungry for vengeance, Valtagar and his followers began
attacking drow outposts, hoping to foment war between
Gracklstugh and Menzoberranzan. When drow ambas-
sadors confronted Horgar with proof of Valtagar's plot,
Horgar banished Valtagar and his co-conspirators, who
would henceforth be known as calassabrak-outcasts no
longer welcome in Gracklstugh.
After long holding the Deep Mines, Valtagar and his
duergar followers were forced back into the Underdark
by the planetar's sudden arrival and subsequent bloody
crusade. Weeks after retreating, they returned to dis-
cover that the mines were much changed and even dead-
lier than before. The planetar slaughtered a number of
Valtagar's followers until the prince stood before the
planetar alone, empty-handed and daring the fallen an-
gel to kill him. Valtagar's gesture of self-sacrifice moved
Fazrian, who judged him worthy of remaining alive.
Valtagar now holds a tenuous position as Lord of the
Mines, one of the fallen angel's advisors. Despite now
being "vassals" of Fazrian, all the duergar on this level
remain loyal to their prince and follow Valtagar's orders
without question.
Valtagar intends to overthrow Fazrian, buy off the
yugoloths, and seize control of the Terminus Level.
Toward that end, he is quick to forge alliances with ad-
venturers who are also interested in bringing about the
planetar's downfall.


Halaster continue&, to use the Terminus Level as a
dumping ground for stray monsters. Duergar also patrol
the mines.

Four beholder zombies , set loose by Halaster, wander
the Terminus Level. Once they're destroyed, no more
are encountered.

The characters encounter six duergar (three males and
three females) on patrol, their heavy helms and armor
dripping with blood (see "Regional Effects," page 265).
These duergar have orders to deliver adventurers to
Valtagar Steelshadow unharmed. If a fight breaks out,
they use Enlarge and defend themselves. If the battle
goes poorly for them, the duergav turn invisible, retreat,
and report to Valtagar in area 15.

Released here by Halaster, this remorhaz creeps up on
the characters and attacks. There is a 50 percent chance
that a passing duergar patrol (see above) hears the
ruckus and arrives on the scene at the end of the third
round of combat. If the remorhaz is still around, the
duergar help defeat it. Afterward, the duergar grumble
that the remorhaz is but the latest monstrosity the Mad
Mage has loosed in the mines. They otherwise behave
as any other duergar patrol.

Exploring This Level

All location descriptions for this level are keyed to map

  1. The walls, floors, and ceilings are streaked with
    blood (see "Regional Effects," page 265), and the air is
    warm and dry.

    The tunnel from level 20 leads to a featureless, 20-foot-
    high cavern with four tunnel exits, two of which contain
    iron tracks. An empty mine cart rests at the end of the
    northern track.

The Terminus Level has iron tracks throughout, and iron
mine carts ride the rails. Since the tracks are built on
slopes, carts are secured with chocks-two sets of two
zurkhwood blocks attached to one another by a length of
rope. If its chocks are removed, a ca rt begins to roll. Its ini-
t ial speed of 10 feet increases by 10 feet every round until
it comes to the end of its track or reaches its maximum
speed of 60 feet. A cart stops if it hits a stopped cart or the
iron guard barrie r at either end of the track.
Each cart weighs 300 pounds empty and is equip ped
with a hand b rake. A creature inside a ca rt or next to one
can use its action to pull the hand brake to red uce the
cart's speed by up to 30 feet, bringing it to a stop if its
s peed drops to 0.
Moving out of the way of a rolling cart requires a suc-
cessful DC 10 Dexterity saving throw, and any creature
struck by a cart takes 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage.
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