Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1

    This tunnel s lopes up toward the northeast, intersecting
    multiple rubble-strewn passages along the way. A mine
    track runs the length of the passageway.
    When the characters first arrive, a silent, spectral
    scene plays out before them: a middle-aged human
    cleric wildly swings her mace of smiting at an unseen
    foe. The cleric wears a blood-streaked breastplate em-
    blazoned with a white right-handed gauntlet (the sym-
    bol of Torm). Suddenly, as she pulls her mace back for
    another swing, her head separates from her shoulders,
    sliced off by an invisible blade. Then the image fades.


This 10 -foot-high room contains rusty helmets, picks,
hammers, and pitons on stone shelves along the walls.

This 10 -foot-high room is constructed of interlocking,
blood-streaked stone tiles. Rectangular stone slabs lie in
neat rows against the east and west walls. These slabs
once served as beds for dwarf miners, but they have not
been used in centuries.
A thick layer of dust covers everything.

Most of the ceilings in this area are 10 feet high. Blood-
smeared tiles cover the floors and walls throughout.

This room has a vaulted ceiling, rising 15 feet high. The
guards in area lOb notice any light or noise here and
quickly investigate. The room has the following features:
Table and Benches. A 25-foot-long stone dining table is
in the middle of the room, flanked by two equally long
stone benches.
Hutch. A stone hutch against the west wall contains as-
sorted iron plates and flatware.

10B. DEN
This room is largely empty, having been stripped of
furniture. Two male duergar guards named Malgorn
and Zelk stand watch here. They have orders to escort
visitors to Valtagar Steelshadow in area 15.
Malgorn is one card away from owning a complete
deck of Three-Dragon Ante cards made of thin-pressed
gold. He has begun obsessing over the missing card
(';The Thief") and complains about it incessantly. He
has found the other cards scattered throughout the
Terminus Level and is storing them in a pouch tied to
his belt. He's not optimistic about finding the last card,
though. Sick of hearing about the situation, Zelk adds
to Malgorn's misery by repeatedly asking him if he has
searched in places he knows Malgorn has already thor-
oughly checked.
Treasure. Each of the sixty-nine gold cards in
Malgorn's incomplete deck is worth 10 gp, but the
set is worth 2,500 gp once the deck contains all sev-
enty cards. The characters can find the missing card
in area 23c.

    Food is stored and prepared here. The blood that leaks
    from the walls and floors makes little of it appetizing.

Fireplace. This 15-foot-high room is warm and smells
of cheap spices. A large fireplace dominates the west
wall. A bed of hot coals fills the hearth with smoke
and orange light. Suspended above the coals is a cov-
ered iron cauldron.
Duergar Cook. An old, hunchbacked duergar wearing
what amounts to a dusty gray sack stirs the cauldron
with an iron spoon. He is without armor or weapons.
Preparation Area. Short stone tables in the middle of
the kitchen are used for food preparation. Utensils
hang from hooks above them.
Sink. A stone faucet and handle jut from the south wall,
just above a semicircular basin enclosed by a 2-foot-
high retaining wall.
The cook, Lorga, prepares bland mushroom stew.
Despite his blinding cataracts, he knows his way around
the kitchen and the adjoining pantry. If he hears one
or more characters enter, he shouts in Dwarvish, "The
stew will be ready when it's ready! Get out, lest ye taste
none of it!" If they don't leave at once, he says, "My eyes
are clouded, but my ears and nose work fine. Test not
my resolve!"
A lesser restoration spell or similar magic restores
Lorga's sight. He offers no thanks to whoever rids him of
the disability. As dour and pessimistic as any other duer-
gar, he quickly finds something else to complain about.
Lorga poses no threat (0 XP). He merely wishes to die
serving Valtagar, whom he has known since the prince
was a child. Lorga isn't holding out hope that he'll ever
hear the belching forges of Gracklstugh again, but it
infuriates him that Valtagar- a duergar prince- must
kowtow to the "mad giant" Fazrian. Lorga suggests that
the characters locate Valtagar and forge an alliance with
him before they all fall to the giant's sword.
Once the hot coals are doused or swept from the fire-
place, the chimney can be climbed easily. After 90 feet,
it breaks into a damp, soot-stained natural cave roughly
50 feet square. The cave contains nothing of interest.
Turning the handle on the faucet opens a valve that
allows fresh, cold water from an underground stream to
pour into the basin and mix with the blood pooling there
(see "Regional Effects," page 265). A stone plug covers
the drainpipe in the bottom of the basin.

Fifty gray sacks rest atop stone shelves carved into the
walls of this 10 -foot-high room. The sacks contain edible
fungi and dried moss.

    Thin, crumbling brick walls divide the northern half of
    this 10 -foot-high room into three s talls, each one tucked
    behind a rusty chain-link curtain that hangs limply from
    the ceiling. Cut into the floor of each stall is a circular
    hole that leads to a cesspit.

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