Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1


Walls. Interlocking stone tiles cover the floor and walls
of this 10 -foot-high room.
Portcullis. An iron portcullis blocks the tunnel to the
south. The portcullis can be forcibly lifted by crea-
tures who have a combined Strength of 50 or higher.
The bars of the portcullis are spaced 3 inches apart.
Lever. A stone lever in the down position juts from the
angled wall east of the portcullis. (Moving this lever to
the up position raises the portcullis.)

Time and neglect have diminished the grandeur of these
vaulted halls, wherein the fallen angel awaits.

The 18 -foot-high double doors to the west swing inward,
revealing a stone-tiled foyer with a^40 -foot-high ceiling.
The area contains the following features:
Braziers. The foyer is heated and dimly lit by two 6-foot-
tall, 6-foot-wide s tone braziers filled with burning
coals. Smoke and embers rise from each.
Statues. Extending eastward from the foyer is a 20-foot-
wide, 30-foot-high arched hall lined with 15-foot-tall
iron statues of armored dwarves draped in cobwebs.
Continual flame spells flicker behind the eye holes of
their helms, and their iron greataxes are raised high.

The floor of this 40 -foot-high chamber is shaped like the
head of a double-bladed axe. The room, which smells of
roses and sulfur, contains the following:
Fazrian and Fiend. A hairless, green-skinned planetar
with white-feathered wings and eyes of molten silver
sits on a bone throne in a raised alcove. Lurking in
the shadows behind the throne is Raxxus, a nycaloth.
(The yugoloth passively guards the wall behind it,
which contains a secret door to area 24.)
Braziers. The chamber is dimly lit by four 6-foot-tall,
6 -foot-wide stone braziers filled with burning coals
that produce smoke and embers.
S tanding Gate. To the north stands a pair of crystal
menhirs, each imprisoning a marilith.
Open Pit. A gaping pit lies to the south, its rectangular
mouth measuring 10 feet wide by^20 feet long by^30
feet deep, with a 20-foot-high, 20-foot-wide passage at
the bottom leading south. Characters near the lip of
the pit can hear large creatures (the otyughs in area
23c) shuffling in the darkness below.
Fazrian is a lawful evil planetar that lacks the Heal-
ing Touch action option. Unless he is incapacitated,
Fazrian can take one of the following lair actions on
initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties) while on the
Terminus Level:

  • Blood flows from Fazrian's eyes until initiative count
    20 on the next round. No creature within^120 feet of
    the planetar can regain hit points until the effect ends.

  • Fazrian's eyes become smoldering black voids un-
    til initiative count 20 on the next round. All other

creatures within 120 feet of the planetar have disad-
vantage on saving throws until the effect ends.

  • Blinding magical light springs from Fazrian's eyes un-
    til initiative count^20 on the next round. If a creature
    starts its turn within^120 feet of the planetar and the
    two of them can see each other, Fazrian can force the
    creature to make a DC^20 Constitution saving throw.
    On a failed save, the creature is blinded. The blind-
    ness lasts until the creature receives a lesser resto-
    ration spell or similar magic.
    Once an exemplar of courage and good judgment, Faz-
    rian now seeks to destroy any creature it believes is un-
    deserving of continued existence. Fazrian's views are a
    mockery of what they once were. Every creature is guilty
    of "deformity" in the planetar's eyes. Unless someone
    can swiftly prove their innocence, Fazrian sentences
    that individual to an immediate death.
    Persuading the planetar to render a verdict of not
    guilty requires at least one party member to submit to
    Fazrian's judgment. That character must then offer to
    surrender their own life to spare the lives of the others.
    Any character who stands before Fazrian and shows
    both courage and self-sacrifice is found innocent of the
    crime of deformity. Denials, protests, and challenges to
    Fazrian's authority are met with stern pronouncements
    of guilt. The planetar can tell when it is being lied to
    (thanks to its Divine Awareness trait), and characters
    who lie to Fazrian are immediately judged guilty.
    The planetar has delusions of raising an army to
    sweep through Undermountain and purge it of those
    it deems abhorrent. Before letting innocents off the
    hook, Fazrian demands that they each swear an oath
    to serve it henceforth. Those who refuse to take the
    oath are found guilty of the crime of cowardice and sen-
    tenced to death.
    Once judgment is rendered, Fazrian orders Raxxus to
    step forth, slay the guilty party or parties, and cast their
    bodies into the pit (see area 23c). After the guilty have
    been punished, those found innocent are escorted by
    Raxxus to the arcanaloths in area 14 for indoctrination.
    If the nycaloth is killed, the planetar takes up its sword
    and attacks the guilty.
    Only a character judged innocent by Fazrian can alter
    the planetar's disposition enough to make it realize how
    corrupt it has become. Such a character can use an
    action to call on the planetar to look inward and judge
    itself, making a DC 26 Charisma (Persuasion) check as
    part of that action. If the player roleplays well, grant the
    character advantage on the check. A character who gets
    a failure on the check can't try again, but they can still
    help another character who then tries to convince the
    planetar of its own guilt. On a successful check of this
    sort, a lingering shred of goodness in Fazrian is awak-
    ened. The planetar weeps as it begs Torm for forgive-
    ness. Then, in a final act of atonement and self-sacrifice,
    it impales itself on its sword and dies.
    If the planetar dies by its own hand or at the hands
    of the characters, Torm bestows on each character a
    blessing of protection (see "Supernatural Gifts" in chap-
    ter 7 of the Dungeon Master's Guide). This blessing is
    permanent if its receiver is a worshiper of Torm; other-
    wise, the blessing lasts for 10 days. Torm's blessing is

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