Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1
not bestowed on any character who releases one or both
mariliths that a re trapped in the crystal menhirs (see
"Standing Gate to Level 19" below).
Nycaloth. Raxxus serves as the planetar's execu-
tioner, ready to step forward and s lay whatever Fazrian
commands it to kill. Raxxus can summon other yugo-
loths (as described in the "Variant: Yugoloth Summon-
ing" sidebar in the "Yugoloths" entry in the Monster
Manual) and tries to do so if reinforcements are needed.
Characters who defeat the planetar can tempt Raxxus
with a bribe. Treasure in the amount of 10,000 gp or
more can change the nycaloth's attitude toward the
party from hostile to indifferent; treasure in the amount
of 25,000 gp or more changes its attitude to friendly.
Raxxus won't hurt the characters if it's indifferent
toward them and helps the characters if it's friendly to-
ward them. The nycaloth's disposition reverts to hostile
if the characters threaten it or fail to make payment in a
reasonable amount of time.
Standing Gate to L·evel 19. The crystal menhirs are
indestructible and form one of Halaster's magic gates
(see "Gates," page 12). Striking either menhir with a
hard object or targeting one or both with a shatter spell
deals no damage, but causes an affected standing stone
to emit a loud ringing that awakens the marilith demon
inside. Nothing else causes these demons to awaken.
The first thing an awakened marilith does is free itself
using its Teleport action option. The mariliths are hos-
tile toward all creatures that aren't demons, and they de-
spise angels most of all. If a marilith is released in Faz-
rian's presence, the de mon and the angel fight until only
one is left standing. If the planetar is forced to fight one
marilith by itself, assume that Fazrian emerges victori-
ous with 60 hit points remaining. If forced to fight both
mariliths by itself, Fazrian is killed and each demon is
left with 60 hit points.
After being released from its menhir, a marilith can be
magically compelled to divulge the command word that
activates the gate. A legend lore spell or similar magic
a lso reveals the command word. The current command
word is "Yuraj," but Halaster changes it every few days.
The rules of this gate are as follows:

  • The gate opens for 1 minute if a creature speaks the
    proper command word within 10 feet of it.

  • Characters must be 15th level or higher to pass
    through this gate (see "Jhesiyra Kestellharp," page
    10). The first creature to pass through the gate trig-
    gers an elder rune (see "Elder Runes," page 12).

  • A creature that passes through the gate appears in
    area 7 on level 19, in the closest unoccupied space
    next to the similar gate located there.

A 20-foot-wide, 20-foot-high tunnel at the bottom of the
pit in area 23b leads south before coming to a dead end.
The floor of the tunnel is covered with bones, bits of ad-
venturing gear, and other debris.
At the end of the tunnel lurk three hungry otyughs.
When they detect other creatures in the pit, they rush
forth and attack while using their Limited Telepathy to
taunt prey.


Treasure. Scattered among the bones at the south
end of the tunnel are 1,300 sp, 600 gp, and a thin gold
playing card stamped with the image of a masked man
and titled "The Thief." The card is worth 10 gp and com-
pletes a deck of cards found in area lOb.

This oval chamber has a domed ceiling 20 feet high, as
well as the following features:
Bloody Hand. Dry blood stains every surface except for
a patch in the shape of a giant hand on the back wall.
Head and Mace. Piled in the middle of the room are ten
shattered stone chests. A mace and a headless human
corpse lie on the floor next to this rubble. The corpse's
severed head lies a few feet away. Maggots feast on
the rotting remains.
Any character who succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence
(Religion) check realizes that the hand shape on the
back wall resembles the symbol of Torm.
Characters who witnessed the ghostly scene in area
7 recognize the corpse as that of the cleric in the vision.
Brythia Mulspeer and her adventuring companions
were exploring Undermountain when the perils became
too much for them. Brythia petitioned Torm for aid, and
Fazrian answered the summons. The planetar provided
much-needed assistance and healing, then chose to
remain by Brythia's side as the adventurers descended
deeper into Undermountain. When blood lust finally
took hold of the planetar, it turned on the adventurers
and decapitated Brythia with its greatsword. This for-
mer cleric of Torm can be questioned using speak with
dead. Having succumbed to Fazrian's blood lust, Brythia
wishes only to see the planetar redeemed.

The mace is a mace of smiting that belonged to Brythia.
Characters who witnessed the ghostly scene in area 7
recognize the mace as the weapon used by the cleric in
that vision.
The stone chests once contained coins hidden here by
Melairkyn dwarves. The duergar broke open the chests
and dumped the coins in a mining cart in area 18d.


Fazrian's death enables the duergar to regain control of
the Terminus Level. Valtagar has no immediate plans
other than to fortify the level and prepare for his even-
tual return to Gracklstugh.
Any yugoloths that remain make the best of a bad
situation. Aximus and Exekarus are more likely to aJly
with the duergar than with a band of adventurers, while
Raxxus prefers to accompany the adventurers rather
than stay with the duergar. If Xindulus is alive, the ul-
troloth takes its chances in Shadowdusk Hold (level 22),
trying to forge an alliance with the death knights there.
Regardless of what happens, the Mad Mage contin-
ues to use the Terminus Level as a dumping ground for
failed monster experiments. Characters who leave the
level and later return might encounter one or more of
these horrors.
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