Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1
creature in its reflective outer surface. The shield can
trap only one creature at a time. Whenever it traps a
new creature, the shield releases its current prisoner,
which appears in an unoccupied space as close to the
shield as possible.
A creature trapped in the shield can do nothing except
attempt a DC 18 Charisma saving throw at the end of
each of its turns. On a successful save, the creature is
released and appears in an unoccupied space as close
to the shield as possible. On a failed save, the creature
takes 31 (7d8) necrotic damage. If this damage reduces
the trapped creature to 0 hit points, its body is destroyed
as its soul is released into the afterlife.
Treasure. The shield is worth 7,500 gp and can be
used as an ordinary shield, but battle damage might re-
duce its value as an art object at your discretion.

    These areas have 20-foot-high, flat ceilings.

Scrap Metal. Workbenches lining the east and west
walls are covered in metal scraps.
Unfinished Construct. In the center of the room is a
Huge scorpion constructed from metal. (This is an
incomplete scaladar that is not active.)


Guards. Two scaladar (see appendix A) guard this
room and won't leave it under any circumstances.
Secret Door. The walls, floor, and ceiling are covered
in 5-foot-square steel tiles. One tile conceals a secret
door in the east wall at floor level.


The body of a frail man in dark robes lies atop a stone
slab near the south wall. The man has long, wavy hair
and a thick beard the color of iron, and he wears a metal
ring on the index finger of his left hand.
Characters who have seen images of Trobriand know
that the body lying on the slab is his. After Trobriand
successfully transferred his spirit to an iron golem (see
area 13), his body was placed here by the scaladar ser-
vants that guard area llb. The body is in stasis but can
be attacked normally. It is unconscious and has AC 12
and 99 hit points. Without its spirit, the body is an empty
vessel, and Trobriand is unaware of what's happening
to it while his spirit resides elsewhere. Destroying this
body prevents Trobriand's spirit from returning to it
when the spirit is forced to vacate the golem in area^13 ,
effectively killing the Metal Mage.
Treasure. Trobriand wears a black metal ring on the
index finger of his left hand that controls scaladar and
overrides all other rings that have that property. It func-
tions only within Undermountain (see the "Scaladar"
entry in appendix A).

    Standing Gate. Two 15-foot-tall standing stones are po-
    sitioned near the west wall of this 20-foot-high room.
    Bas-Relief. Spanning the wall behind the standing
    stones is a bas-relief depicting an armored dwarf with
    a greataxe fighting a hill giant atop a long, flat bridge.
    The bas-relief depicts Torhild Flametongue, king of
    the ancient dwarven kingdom of Besilmer, fighting a
    mortal enemy atop the Stone Bridge, a monument that
    spans the River Dessarin to this day. With a successful
    DC 20 Intelligence (History) check, a character recalls
    the legendary battle and the king's fate (he was struck
    from the bridge and fell to his death).
    If a creature uses a finger or a staff to trace Halaster's
    rune on the surface of either of the standing stones,
    a gate forms between them and lasts for 1 minute. A
    legend lore spell or similar magic reveals the way to
    activate the gate, its destination, and the fact that it's
    one-way only. Any creature that steps through this gate
    appears, along with any objects it is wearing or carry-
    ing, atop the middle of the Stone Bridge. (More infor-
    mation on this location can be found in Princes of the

    This 20-foot-high room contains an iron golem that
    has a head shaped like a metal skull. It stands between
    three iron-plated stone pillars that hum with magical
    power. With the aid of these pillars, Trobriand recently
    transferred his spirit into the golem.
    Trobriand is looking forward to testing his new body
    and attacks intruders on sight, showing no mercy.

While his spirit is bound within the golem, Trobriand
has a challenge rating of 22 (41, 000 XP) and the statis-
tics of an iron golem, with these changes:
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