Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1

  • Trobriand has an Intelligence of 20.

  • He has the Spellcasting trait described below.

Spellcasting. Trobriand is an 18th-level spellcaster. His spell-
casting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 20, +12 to hit with
spell attacks). He has the following wizard spells prepared:

Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, mage hand, prestidigitation
1st level (4 slots): detect magic, magic missile, shield
2nd level (3 slots): blur, detect thoughts, misty step, shatter
3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, dispel magic, fireball, haste
4th level (3 slots): blight, greater invisibility
5th level (3 slots): animate objects, Bigby's hand, scrying
6th level (1 slot): chain lightning, globe of invulnerability
7th level (1 slot): finger of death.forcecage
8th level (1 slot): incendiary cloud, power word stun
9th level (1 slot): power word kill
Deactivating or destroying one or more of the pillars,
destroying the golem, or forcing the golem out of the
room causes Trobriand's spirit to vacate the golem and
attempt to reunite with his normal body, which is hidden
in area^1 lc. If the characters have not destroyed his
body, Trobriand's spirit returns to it immediately, and
he awakens in area^1 lc as an a rchmage with the same
spell list as in his golem form and the same spell slots
remaining as he had when he left his golem body. His
primary goal thereafter is to destroy the characters for
meddling in his affairs.
If the golem in this room has not been destroyed when
Trobriand's spirit leaves it, the golem becomes an ordi-
nary iron golem under the Metal Mage's command and
attacks intruders on sight.
If the characters have already destroyed Trobriand's
body in area llc, and then they deactivate or destroy at
least one of the pillars in this room, Trobriand's spirit is
forced to leave the golem but has nowhere to go, effec-
tively killing him.

A detect magic spell reveals an aura of transmutation
magic radiating from each humming pillar. A character
who examines the pillars notices tiny runes etched into
them. With a successful DC^20 Intelligence (Arcana)
check, a character can ascertain that the pillars are
empowering the golem in some way. A successful dispel
magic cast on a pillar (DC 19) deactivates it for 1 minute.
Each pillar is a Huge object with AC 17, a damage
threshold of 10,^80 hit points, and immunity to poison
and psychic damage.

A short, plump, rabbit-headed man wearing a dirty ser-
vant's uniform cowers in the square marked X on map

  1. "Rabbithead" is a commoner, with these changes:

  • Rabbithead is unaligned and unarmed (0 XP).

  • He has the head of a rabbit. He can't speak and knows
    no languages.
    This poor fellow is a rabbit transformed by Arcturia's
    magic into a unique humanoid. The transformation is
    permanent and can't be undone except with a wish spell.
    Because he's no longer a beast, speak with animals can't
    be used to communicate with him. A character who
    examines the creature and succeeds on a DC^19 Intel-

ligence (Arcana) check can confirm that it exhibits the
traits of a rabbit that has been given humanoid form by a
true polymorph spell rendered permanent.
Rabbithead retreated here to escape Arcturia's pres-
ence and latches onto the adventurers, hoping they'll
protect him from her wrath. Characters who succeed
on a DC 12 Wisdom (Insight) check can glean that the
source of his fear is somewhere to the south, and indeed
he grows more nervous the closer he gets to area 17.
If Rabbithead is shown the yellow sapphires from area
8, he indicates through gestures and furtive glances that
the missing ones are kept in area 17.

A pair of 15-foot-tall standing stones dominates this
room, the ceiling of which rises^30 feet high. The stones
are covered with moss and have clumps of colorful
mushrooms growing on them.
If a creature uses a finger or a s taff to trace Halaster's
rune on the surface of either of the standing stones,
a gate forms between them and lasts for 1 minute. A
legend lore spell or similar magic reveals the way to
activate the gate, its destination, and the fact that it's
one-way only. Any creature that steps through this gate
appears, along with any objects it is wearing or carry·
ing, in Neverlight Grove, a fungus-filled cavern deep in
the Underdark. (More information on Neverlight Grove
can be found in Out of the Abyss.)

This room is empty except for a dusty wooden broom
that leans against the far wall.

Characters who listen at the doors to this room hear
harp music beyond. The room has a vaulted ceiling^20
feet high and contains the following:
Arcturia. Arcturia- a gaunt figure with blue scales,
bone spurs on her forearms and elbows, gossamer
wings, and a flowing gown- dances to music atop a
stepped dais 5 feet higher than the rest of the room.
Butterfly Swarm. Next to Arcturia, a harmless swarm
of yellow butterflies has assumed a vaguely humanoid
shape and is playing an elegant harp (see "Treasure"
below). The harp rests on a stout wooden table. The
swarm is under Arcturia's control and disperses when
Arcturia isn't around.
Dais Doors. Set into the back wall of the dais are two
identical doors. The southeast door is trapped (see
"Southeast Door" below).
Furnishings. Arranged throughout the hall are four
stuffed chairs, four padded footstools, two divans, and
two large coffee tables. (These furnishings are twelve
mimics in disguise. Arcturia considers them her most
trusted friends. If the lich comes under attack or takes
umbrage with visitors, the mimics are quick to reveal
their true forms and fight alongside her.)
Animal-Headed People. Standing between eight pil·
lars a re six humanoids that have the heads of beasts.
Three wear servants' uniforms and carry feather dust·
ers, and three wear heavy armor and carry swords.

LE\ l'I. 23 I MAD WIZARD'S l ·\lR
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