Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
The graphs of m any rational functions are related to each other. C om pare the
graphs below of y = \ and y = J 33.

The graphs are identical in shape, but the second graph is translated 3 units right.

Notice that the graph of y = \ approaches both axes but does not cross either axis. The
axes in this graph function as asymptotes. A line is an asym p t ot e of a graph if the graph
gets closer to the line as x or y gets larger in absolute value. In the graph of y = ^33
above, the x-axis and the line x = 3 are asymptotes.
When the numerator and denominator of a rational function have no common factors
other than 1 , there is a vertical asymptote at each excluded value.

Using a Vertical Asym ptote
What is the vertical asymptote of the graph of y = x + 2? Graph the function.

The numerator and
denom inator have no
common factors. To find
the vertical asymptote,
find the excluded value.

To graph the function,
first make a table of
values. Use values of
x near - 2 , w h e r e th e
asymptote occurs.

Use the points from the
table to make the graph
Draw a dashed line for
the vertical asymptote.


X + 2 = 0
x = - 2
Th e vert ical asym pt ot e is t he line x = - 2.

f Y V
X -7 — 4 -3 -1 0 3 s

Vy -1 -2.5 -5^5 2.5^1 /

W'Pr o b l em 2

& Got It? 2. What is the vertical asymptote of the graph of h{x) = 313? Graph the function.

706 Chapter 11 Rational Expressions and Functions

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