Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Grap h in g Rat ional

Fu n ct i o n s

Object ive To graph rational functions

@ Common Co r e St at e St and ar d s
F- I F. B. 4 For a function th a t models a relationship
between tw o quantities, interpret key features o f graphs
and ta b le s... and sketch graphs showing key fe a tu re s ..
Also A-CED.A.2
MP1, MP2, MP3, MP 4, MP 5

| Getting Ready! X C

What does
the graph tell
you about t h e
bet ween speed and
the time needed to
make t he t rip?

On any t r i p , t h e t im e you t r av el in a car
varies inversely with the car's average
sp eed. Th e f u n ct i o n t = ~ represents
the time it takes to travel 60 mi at
different rates. Will the graph ever
in t ersect t he horizontal axis? The
vertical axis? Explain your reasoning.


Rate (miles per hour), r

mathematical Inverse variations are examples of rational functions. A rational function can
PRA CTICES be written in the form i , r f[x)rr \ polynomial , = polynomial, where the denominator cannot be 0.

Lesso n ^
’• rational function

Esse n t i a l U n d e r st a n d i n g To graph a rational function /(x), you need to
understand the graph's behavior near values of x where the function is undefined.
Any value of the variable that makes the denominator of a rational function equal to 0 is
an excluded value.

Thin k ,.,
Why are some values
of x excluded?
Division by 0 is
undefined. So any value
of x that makes the
denominator equal to 0
is excluded.

Id en t if yin g Ex clu d ed V alu es
What is the excluded value for each function?
0/0*0 =x - 2

x - 2 = 0

x = 2 *—
The excluded value is x = 2

Qy =


Set the den o m in ato r.
equal to 0.
*— Solve for x. —>

x + 8
x + 8 = 0

x = -8
The excluded value is x = - 8.

Go t I t? 1. What is the excluded value for y =x + 7 •


Po w er A l g eb r m

i -------------------------------------------------------------------------
j Lesso n 11- 7 Graphing Rational Functions 705
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