Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Use th e d a ta to m ak e a cu m u lativ e fre q u e n c y table.

Q Apply

♦ See Problem 4.

  1. trail lengths (mi)ytjL // / //12 63 11 92134125311

  2. heights of buildings (ft): 105 245 300 234 225 156 180 308 250 114 150 285

  3. earthquake magnitudes: 2.1 5.4 6.7 3.2 4.5 2.7 2.6 3.1 4.4 8.1 4.1 2.9 2.1

  4. Music The Perpendicular Bisectors' new CD is shown at the right.
    a. Make a cumulative frequency table that represents the lengths
    of the songs in seconds.
    b. About what percent of the songs are under 4 min? How do
    you know?

  5. Think About a Plan A travel agent conducted a survey to find out
    how many times people go to the beach each year. The results of
    the survey are shown in the histogram below. About how many
    people were surveyed?

Annual Beach Trips

I 20
° <I) 10
E 0 3
0-24 25-49 50-74 75-99
Num ber o f Trips

  • What does the height of each bar represent?

  • How can you use the bar heights to find the number of people surveyed?

Use the test scores below.
81 70 73 89 68 79 91 59 77 73 80 75 88 65 82 94 77 67 82

  1. What is a histogram of the data that uses intervals of 5?

  2. What is a histogram of the data that uses intervals of 10?

  3. What is a histogram of the data that uses intervals of 20?

  4. Reasoning Which interval size would you use—5,10, or 20—to make it seem as
    though there were little variation in the test scores?

The histogram at the right shows the amounts of money that
50 customers spent in a supermarket.

  1. What is the upper limit on the amount of money that any
    customer spent?

  2. Which interval represents the greatest number of customers?

  3. How many customers spent less than $20?

  4. Writing Summarize the spending of the 50 customers
    represented in the histogram.

Su p e r m a r k e t Sp en d i n g


(^0) k.
E 3
0-19 20-39 40-59 60-79 80-99
Amount Spent ($)
736 Ch ap t er 12 Data Analysis and Probabilit y

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