Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Ch al l en g e

  1. Error Analysis A student made the frequency table at the right using
    the data below. Describe and correct the error.
    40 21 28 53 24 48 50 55 42 29 22 52 43 26 44

  2. Make a histogram for a set of 200 data values. The histogram must
    have 40% of the values lie in the interval 20-29. The remaining
    values should be evenly divided among the intervals 0-9,10-19,
    30-39, and 40-49.

  3. Copy and complete the cumulative
    frequency table at the right.

''interval Frequ^nty
20-20 < ^ 6
40-40' "05

St a n d a r d i z e d Test Pr ep

^SAT/ACT 34. What is the shape of the histogram at the right?

C D symmetric C O skewed
CO proportional CO uniform

  1. What is the solution of (—4x — 6) + (6x + 1) = —13?
    CD -4 CO 6
    ©5 CD 9

  2. What is the factored form of x2 - 6x - 16?
    C D ( + 2 ) ( x + 8 ) C D ( - 2 ) ( x + 8 ) C O ( x + 2 ) ( x - 8 )


CO (x — 2)(x — 8)

Sh o r t

  1. Between what two integer values of x do the graphs of y = 20(0.5)x and y = 0.5 • 4X
    intersect? Show your work.

Mixed Review

Find each sum or difference.


4/B See Lesson 12-1.
4 6 8 10

0.2 0.6 2.3 5.9
+ —
57_ _9 11 _0.8 0.5_ _7.5 1.0_

G e t R e a d y! To p r e p a r e f o r Lesso n 1 2 - 3 , d o Ex er ci ses 4 0 an d 4 1.
OrdeFfhe numbers in each exercise from least to greatest. 4© Se e Lesso n 1 - 3.

  1. 13, |, -4 , -16, 0, 2,16, \ 41. 0.9, -0.2, 1.2, 5, -1 , 0, 0.1, 2

| L e s s o n 1 2 - 2 F r e q u e n c y a n d H i s t o g r a m s^737
V------------------------% --------------------------------------------------
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