Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Sa m p l e s a n d Su r v e y s

S- I C. B. 3 Re c o g n i ze t h e p u r p o se s o f an d d i f f e r e n c e s
among sam p le surveys, experim ent s, and observat ional
st u d ies...
M P1, M P2, M P3, M P4, MP 6

Co m m o n Co r e St at e St a n d a r d s

Object ive To classify data and analyze samples and surveys

I can't quite
put my finger on
it, bu t there's
something fish y
about this survey.


f ' Getting Ready!

Th e manager o f a Th ai r est au r an t
wants to know how often people in her
city eat Thai food. She surveys 200
o f her cust om ers. Th e manager says
the results in the histogram show that
most people in the cit y eat Thai food
at least 10 times per year. Do you
think there were any problems with the
survey? Exp lain.

Fr e q u e n c y o f Ea t i n g Th a i Fo o d

9 1 0 - 1 9 2 0 - 2 9 =
Fr e q u e n cy Per Ye a r

Lesso n

  • q u alit at ive

  • u n ivariate

  • b ivariate

  • p o p ulatio n

  • sam p le

  • bias

In the Solve It, the restaurant manager collected data from the customers of the
restaurant. In this lesson, you will learn about ways to collect data.

Essent ial Und er st and ing When collecting data to solve a problem, you need to
make sure that your methods are fair and that you accurately represent the results.
You can collect data using measurements or categories. Quantitative data measure
quantities and can be described numerically, such as test scores and ages. Qualitative
data name qualities and can be words or numbers, such as sports or ZIP codes.

Ty p es o f Dat a D escr i p t i o n Ex a m p l e s Y

Quantitative Has units and can be
measured and numerically

Age: 13 yr
Weight: 214 g
Time: 23 min

Qualitative Describes a category and
cannot be measured or
numerically compared

Hair color: brown
Attitude: optimistic
ZIP code: 02125
v J


Po w erAlg eb j Lesso n 12-5 Sa m p l es an d Su r v ey s 753
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