Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Gl o ssar y

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Compound inequalities (p. 200) Two inequalities tha t Desigualdades compuestas (p. 200) Dos desigualdades
are joined by and o r or. que estan enlazadas por medio de una y o una o.

Examples 5 < x a n d x < 10
14 < x o r x < - 3

Example In th e c o n d itio n a l " I f an a n im a l
has f o u r legs, th e n it is a h o rs e ,"
th e c o n c lu s io n is " i t is a h o rs e ."

Conditional (p. 616) A c o n d itio n a l is an if-the n statement. Condicional (p. 616) Un e n u n c ia d o c o n d ic io n a l es del tip o
si.. entonces...
Example If an anim al has fo u r legs, th e n it
is a horse.

Conditional probability (p. 783) A probability that
c o n ta in s a c o n d itio n t h a t m a y lim it th e s a m p le space f o r
an event. The n o ta tio n P(B\A) is read " t h e p ro b a b ility o f
event B, given event A."

Probabilidad condicional (p. 783) Probabilidad que
contiene una condicion que puede lim itar el espacio de
muestra de un suceso. La notacion P(B\A) se lee "la
probabilidad del suceso B, dado el suceso A ."

Compound interest (p. 461) Interest paid on both the Interes com puesto (p. 461) Interes calculado ta n to
principal and the interest tha t has already been paid. el capital com o sobre los intereses ya pagados.

Example For an initial deposit o f $1000 at a
6% interest rate with interest
com pounded quarterly, the function
y = 1 0 0 0 ( ^ p ) * g ives th e a c c o u n t
b a la n c e y a fte r x years.

Conjugates (p. 627) The sum and the difference o f the
same tw o terms.

Example (V I + 2) and (V I - 2) are


Conclusion (p. 616) The c o n c lu s io n is th e p a rt o f an
if-the n statement (conditional) that follows then.

Valores conjugados (p. 627) La s u m a y re s ta d e los
mismos dos terminos.

Consistent system (p. 365) A system of equations that
has a t least o n e s o lu tio n is c o n s is te n t.


Sistema consistente (p. 365) Un sistema de ecuaciones
que tiene por lo menos una solucion es consistente.

Conclusion (p. 616) La c o n c lu s id n es lo q u e s ig u e a la
palabra entonces en un enunciado condicional.


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