Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Extrapolation (p. 337) The process of predicting a value
outside the range of known values.


Extrapolation (p. 337) Proceso que se usa para predecir
un valor por fuera del ambito de los valores dados.

Factor by grouping (p. 529) A method of factoring that
uses the Distributive Property to remove a common binomial
factor of two pairs of terms.

Factor comun por agrupacion de term inos
(p. 5 29 ) Metodo de factorization que aplica la propiedad
distributiva para sacar un factor comun de dos pares de
terminos en un binomio.
Example The expression
7x(x - 1) + 4(x - 1) can be
factored as (7x + 4)(x - 1).

Formula (p. 110)
among quantities.

An equation that states a relationship Formula (p. 110)
entre cantidades.

Ecuacion que establece una relacibn

Example The formula for the volume V of a
cylinder is V= irr2h, where r is the
radius of the cylinder and h is its

Frequency (p. 732)

The number of data items in an Frecuencia (p. 732) Numero de datos de un intervalo.

Example In the data set 4, 7, 12, 4, 5, 8 , 11,
2, the frequency of the interval 5-9
is 3.

Frequency table (p. 732) A table that groups a set of data
values into intervals and shows the frequency for each


Tabla de frecuencias (p. 732) Tabla que agrupa un
conjunto de datos en intervalos y muestra la frecuencia
de cada intervalo.

0-9 5

Function (p. 241) A relation that assigns exactly one value
in the range to each value of the domain.

Funcion (p. 241) La relacion que asigna exactamente un
valor del rango a cada valor del dominio.
Example Earned income is a function of the
number of hours worked. If you
earn $4.50/h, then your income is
expressed by the function
f(h) = 4.5b.

Function notation (p. 269) To write a rule in function
notation, you use the symbol f{x) in place of y.

Notacion de una funcion (p. 269) Para expresar una regia
en notacion de funcion se usa el slmbolo f(x) en lugar dey.
Example f(x) = 3x - 8 is in function


Po w er A lg eb r m Glo ssary^833
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