Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
English Spanish

Function rule (p. 262) An equation that describes a Regia de funcion (p. 262) Ecuacion que describe una
function. funcion.

Example y = 4x + 1 is a function rule.

— G ............ ...................................

Geometric sequence (p. 467) A number sequence formed Progresion geom etries (p. 467) Tipo de sucesion
by multiplying a term in a sequence by a fixed number to find numerica formada al multiplicar un termino de la secuencia
the next term. por un numero constante, para hallar el siguiente termino.

Example 9, 3, 1, ... is an example of a
geometric sequence.

Growth factor (p. 460) 1 pl us t h e p e r c e n t r a t e o f c h a n g e Factor increm ental (p. 460) 1 ma s l a t a s a p o r c e n t u a l de
for an exponential growth situation. cambio en una situacion de incremento exponencial.

Example The growth factor of y = 7(1,3f
is 1.3.

---------------------------H -----------------------------------------------------------

Histogram (p. 733) A special type of bar graph that can
display data from a frequency table. Each bar represents an
interval. The height of each bar shows the frequency of the
interval it represents.

Example 10

S" 4
0-9 10-19 20-29

Histograma (p. 733) Tipo de grafica de barras que
muestra los datos de una tabla de frecuencia. Cada barra
representa un intervalo. La altura de cada barra muestra la
frecuencia del intervalo al que representa.

Hypotenuse (p. 614) The side opposite the right angle in a
right triangle. It is the longest side in the triangle.

Hipotenusa (p. 614) En un triangulo rectangulo, el lado
opuesto al angulo recto. Es el lado mas largo del triangulo.

c is th e h y p o te n u s e.

C a B

Hypothesis (p. 615) In an if-then statement (conditional), Hipotesis (p. 615) En un enunciado si... entonces...
the hypothesis is the part that follows if. (condicional), la hipotesis es la parte del enunciado que sigue
el si.
Example In the conditional "If an animal has
four legs, then it is a horse," the
hypothesis is "an animal has four

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