Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

English Spanish

In p u t (p. 240) A value of the independent variable. Entrada (p. 240) Valor de una variable independiente.

Example The input is any value of x you
substitute into a function.

Integers (p. 18) Whole numbers and their opposites. Numeros enteros (p. 18) Numeros que constan
exclusivamente de una o mas unidades, y sus opuestos.
Example. .. - 3 , - 2 , -1, 0 , 1 , 2 , 3,...

In te rp o la tio n (p. 337) The process of estimating a value Interpolacion (p. 337) Proceso que se usa para estimar el
between two known quantities. valor entre dos cantidades dadas.

In te rq u a rtile range (p. 746) The interquartile range of a In tervalo intercuartil (p. 746) El rango intercuartil de un
set of data is the difference between the third and first conjunto de datos es la diferencia entre el tercero y el primer
quartiles. cuartiles.

Example The first and third quartiles of the
data set 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6 , 7, and 7
are 3.5 and 6.5. The interquartile
range is 6.5 -- 3.5 = 3.

Intersection (p. 215) The set of elements that are common Interseccion (p. 215) El conj unt o de el ement os que son
to two or more sets. comunes a dos o mas conjuntos.

Example If C = {1, 2, 3, 4} and
D = {2, 4, 6 , 8 }, then the
intersection of C and D, or
C D D, is {2, 4}.

In terval n o ta tio n (p. 2 03 ) A notation for describing an Notacion de intervalo (p. 203) Notacion que describe un
interval on a number line. The interval's endpoint(s) are intervalo en una recta numerica. Los extremos del intervalo se
given, and a parenthesis or bracket is used to indicate incluyen y se usa un parentesis o corchete para indicar si cada
whether each endpoint is included in the interval. extremo esta incluido en el intervalo.

Example For - 2 < x < 8 , the interval
notation is [- 2 , 8 ).

Inverse fu n ctio n (p. 329) If function f pairs a value b with Funcion inversa (p. 329) Si la funcion fempareja un valor
a then its inverse, denoted f~\ pairs the value a with b. If b con a, entonces su inversa, cuya notacion es f~\ empareja
f-1 is also a function, then f and f~1 are inverse functions. el valor a con b. Si tambien es una funcion, entonces f y
f-1 son funciones inversas.
Example If f(x) = x + 3,, then
r 1 (x) = x - 3

Inverse o p e ra tio n s (p. 8 2) Operations that undo Operaciones inversas (p. 82) Las operaciones que se
one another. cancelan una a la otra.

Example Addition and subtraction are
inverse operations. Multiplication
and division are inverse operations.
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