Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
English Spanish

Inverse v a ria tio n (p. 692 ) An equation of the form
xy = k or y = |, where k ¥= 0 , is an inverse variation with
constant of variation k.

Variacion inversa (p. 692) La ecuacion y = o xy = k,
donde k + 0 , es una variacion inversa con una constante de
variacion k.
Example The length x and the width y of a
rectangle with a fixed area vary
inversely. If the area is 40, xy = 40.

Irrational n um ber (p. 18) A number that cannot be
written as a ratio of two integers. Irrational numbers in
decimal form are nonterminating and nonrepeating.

Numero irrational (p. 18) Numero que no puede
expresarse como razon de dos numeros enteros. Los numeros
irracionales en forma decimal no tienen termino y no se
Example VTT and tt are irrational numbers.

Isolate (p. 82) Using properties of equality and inverse
operations to get a variable with a coefficient of 1 alone on
one side of the equation.

Aislar (p. 82) Usar propiedades de igualdad y operaciones
inversas para poner una variable con un coeficiente de 1 sola
a un lado de la ecuacion.
Example x
x + 3

3 = 7
3 = 7
x = 4

Leg (p. 614) Each of the sides that form the right angle of
a right triangle.

Cateto (p. 614) Cada uno de los dos lados que forman el
angulo recto en un triangulo rectangulo.

a and b are legs.

Like radicals (p. 626) Radical expressions with the same Radicales semejantes (p. 626) Expresiones radicales con
radicands. los mismos radicandos.

Example 3V7 and 25V7 are like radicals.

Like term s (p. 48) Terms with exactly the same variable Terminos sem ejantes (p. 48) Terminos con los mismos
factors in a variable expression. factores variables en una expresion variable.

Example 4y and 16y are like terms.

Linear equation (p. 308) An equation whose graph forms Ecuacion lineal (p. 308) Ecuacion cuya grafica es una Ifnea
a straight line. recta.

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