Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Probability of A or B, 776
Probability of Two Dependent Events,
Probability of Two Independent Events,
Product of a Sum and Difference, 506
Quadratic Formula, 582
Relative Error, 146
Rule for an Arithmetic Sequence, 276
Simple Interest Formula, 139
The Slope Formula, 296
Slope-intercept Form of a Linear
Equation, 308
Slopes of Parallel Lines, 330
Slopes of Perpendicular Lines, 331
Solving Absolute Value Equations, 208
Solving Absolute Value Inequalities,
Square of a Binomial, 504
Square Root, 16
Square Root Functions, 639
Standard Form of a Linear Equation,
Standard Form of a Quadratic
Equation, 546, 561
Subtracting Real Numbers, 32
Subtraction Property of Inequality, 173
Trigonometric Ratios, 645
Using the Discriminant, 585

Know-Need-Plan problems, 6, 12, 19,
25, 33,48, 62, 89, 95, 103, 118,
126, 131, 147, 196, 202, 217, 235,
242, 247, 270, 310, 323, 347, 373,
380, 402, 420, 440, 462, 488, 499,
514, 549, 570, 578, 591, 597, 621,
634, 647, 679, 693, 733, 748, 755,
772, 779


language, 86
LCD (least com mon denom inator),
least common denominator (LCD),
leg, 614
length, 205,211
Lesson Check, 7, 13, 20, 26, 33, 42, 49,
56, 64, 85, 91, 97, 105, 112, 119,
127, 133, 141, 148, 167, 174, 181,
189, 197, 204, 210, 218, 237, 243,
249, 257, 264, 271, 277, 297, 304,
311, 318, 325, 333, 340, 348, 367,
375, 381, 390, 397, 402, 421, 429,
436, 442, 450, 456, 463, 470, 489,
494, 501, 507, 515, 520, 526, 531,
549, 556, 563, 570, 579, 586, 592,
599, 616, 623, 629, 636, 641, 649,
667, 673, 681, 687, 695, 702, 710,

729, 735, 742, 749, 756, 765, 772,
less than, 19. See also inequality(ies)
less than or equal to, 19. See also
like radicals, 626
combining, 626, 627
like terms
combining, 49, 94
defined, 48, 71
of best fit, 339
boundary, 395-397
classifying, 332
graphing, using intercept, 323
horizontal, 296, 323, 331, 395
number, 17-18, 30, 31, 395
parallel, 330-331, 332
perpendicular, 331, 332-333, 355
slope of. See slope
trend, 337, 338
vertical, 296, 323, 330, 331, 395
linear equations
defined, 308
graphing, 310-311
point-slope form of, 315, 325
slope-intercept form of, 308, 325
standard form of, 322, 324, 325
systems of. See systems of linear
linear functions
defined, 241, 284
equations and, 242
graphs of, 241, 242, 246-247, 308
nonlinear functions vs., 246-247
patterns and, 240-242
tables and, 241, 242
linear inequalities
boundary lines of, 395-397
defined, 394, 410
graphing, 395-397
solving. See solving inequalities
systems of. See systems of linear
writing from graphs, 397
writing to graphs, 396
linear models, 589-591
linear parent functions, 308
linear regression, 339
Line Graphs, 811
line of best fit
defined, 339, 356
finding, 339
modeling, 339
using graphing calculator to find, 339
Line Plots, 809
LINREG feature, of graphing
calculator, 339

literal equation
defined, 109, 154
with only variables, 110
rewriting, 109-110
Look for a Pattern exercises, 28, 43,
57, 65, 183, 278, 305, 422, 424,
432, 447, 624, 682, 760. See also
patterns; sequences
Looking Ahead Vocabulary, 1, 77, 161,
231, 291, 361,415, 483, 543, 611,

make a chart, 12, 14, 62, 241, 247, 458,
465, 499, 512, 551, 640, 641, 700,
701, 730, 733, 734
Make a Conjecture exercises, 447, 559,
make an organized list, 512, 762
manipulatives. See also algebra tiles;
calculator; graphing calculator
cards, 45
graph paper, 60
meter sticks, 341
number cubes, 60, 775
rubber ball, 341
mapping diagram, 268-269
Math Behind the Scenes, 3, 79, 163,
233, 293, 363, 417, 485, 545, 613,
663, 725
mathematical modeling
of algebraic expressions, 4
with algebra tiles, 80, 101, 185, 371,
497, 511, 576, 677
area model, 504
of the Distributive Property, 46
of equations, 80, 101
of exponential decay, 462-463
of exponential growth, 460-461
exponential models, 455, 589-591
factoring a polynomial, 494
falling objects, 549
of a function, 263, 311, 461
of inequalities, 185
line of best fit, 339
linear models, 589-591
LINREG feature of graphing calculator,
of products of binomials, 498, 499
quadratic models, 589-591
of real-world data, 591
scale, 132-133
to solve equations with variables on
both sides, 101
to solve multi-step inequalities, 185
to solve one-step equations, 80
to solve quadratic equations, 576, 584
trend line, 337-338
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