Garde 1 - Read-Aloud Supplemental Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Fables and Stories: Supplemental Guide 8A | The Crowded, Noisy House 137

Presenting the Read-Aloud 15 minutes

The Crowded, Noisy House
 Show image 8A-1: Man and rabbi talking
Once there was a poor Jewish man. This man did not have much
money nor did he have much luck. The poor Jewish man went to
speak with his rabbi.

[Remind students that a rabbi is a teacher in the Jewish religion; some Jews go
to a rabbi to seek help and advice.]
“Rabbi,” the man said, “you must help me. My life is terrible. I live with
my wife, our five children, and my mother-in-law. There is only one
room for the eight of us.”

[Invite students to close their eyes and imagine what it might be like to have
eight people living in one room.]
“The children, they cry and fight.”

[You may wish to have the first group say their line.]
“My wife, she screams a lot.”

[You may wish to have the second group say their line.]
“My mother-in-law, she kvetches—she complains and whines—about

[You may wish to have the third group say their line. Then have all three groups
say their lines together.]
“It is crowded and noisy and horrible, I tell you. Honestly, Rabbi, I
don’t think it could be any worse!”

The rabbi rubbed his chin as he pondered—and thought deeply
about—the man’s situation.

[Act out pondered.]
“My son,” he said, “If you will promise to do as I tell you, your life will
get better. Will you promise?”

“Yes, yes!” said the man. “I promise.”

“Tell me,” said the rabbi, “do you own any animals?”

“Yes,” said the man, “I have a goat—”
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