Garde 1 - Read-Aloud Supplemental Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

138 Fables and Stories: Supplemental Guide 8A | The Crowded, Noisy House

“Good!” said the rabbi. “Go home and take the goat into your house.
Let it eat and sleep with you for a few days.”

 Show image 8A-2: Taking the goat in the house
The man was stunned—he was shocked by the rabbi’s advice. Take
the goat into the house? The rabbi’s advice sounded like a crazy idea.

[Ask students: “Do you think the rabbi’s advice sounds like a crazy idea?” Take
a quick tally of the class.]
But everyone knew the rabbi was a wise man, and so the poor man
agreed to do what he said. He went home and led the goat into his

Two days later, the man went back to the rabbi.

“Oy vey!” he said.

[Explain that “Oy vey!” is a Yiddish term, or a phrase some Jewish people say,
that means “how horrible!”]
“I did as you said. I brought my goat into the house, but things are
worse than before.”

 Show image 8A-3: Goat on the table
“The children, they cry and fight. My wife, she screams a lot. My mother-
in-law, she kvetches—and complains and whines—about everything.
The goat, she butts us with her head and knocks the dishes off the
shelves. Help me, Rabbi. I don’t think it could be any worse!”

The rabbi sat quietly and pondered for a moment.

[Act out pondered.]
Then he asked the man, “Do you have any other animals?”

“Yes,” said the man. “I have a cow—”

[Say to students: “Tell your partner what advice the rabbi is going to give the
man.” Call on two partner pairs to share.]
“Good!” said the rabbi. “Go home and take the cow into your house.
Let it eat and sleep with you for a few days.”

Again, the man did as he was told. He went home and led the cow
into his house.

Two days later, the man went back to see the rabbi.
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