Garde 1 - Read-Aloud Supplemental Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Fables and Stories: Supplemental Guide 9A | The Tale of Peter Rabbit 149

Introducing the Read-Aloud 15 minutes

Folktale Review

  • Remind students that a folktale is a made-up story from a long, long
    time ago. Folktales were first passed down from person to person,
    and then some were written down and put into a book for many
    people to enjoy.

  • Ask students: “Are folktales real or make-believe?” (Folktales are
    make-believe.) Remind students that folktales are one kind of fiction.

  • Remind students that they heard a Jewish folktale. Using their
    sequence of the story (Instructional Master 8B-1), have students retell
    the story, “The Crowded, Noisy House” to their partner or with home
    language peers.

  • Remind students of the lesson the poor Jewish man learned. (Do not
    get upset when things are going badly because it could always be

Introducing “The Tale of Peter Rabbit”
 Show image 9A-1: The Rabbit family/Mrs. Rabbit with her bunnies

  • Tell students that today they are going to hear a well-known story—or
    a classic tale—called “The Tale of Peter Rabbit.” Mention that this
    story is not a folktale, because instead of being told orally from person
    to person, this story was written down and made into a book. The
    author and illustrator of this story is a woman named Beatrix Potter.
    Picture Walk

  • Tell students that you will take a picture walk through this story
     Show image 9A-1: The Rabbit family/Mrs. Rabbit with her bunnies

  • Tell students that this is the beginning of the story.

  • Have students identify the characters in this story: Mrs. Rabbit,
    Peter Rabbit, Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail.

TThe Tale of Peter Rabbithe Tale of Peter Rabbit

9 A

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