Garde 1 - Read-Aloud Supplemental Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

150 Fables and Stories: Supplemental Guide 9A | The Tale of Peter Rabbit

 Show image 9A-4: Peter snacking/Peter feeling full

  • Ask students what Peter is doing in this picture.

  • Have students tell their partner what they know about rabbits and
    what rabbits like to eat [(grass, hay, leaves, lettuce, carrots, etc.)]
     Show image 9A-5: Peter sees Mr. McGregor/Peter running away

  • Have students identify the characters in the pictures. (Peter Rabbit
    and an old man.)

  • Tell students that the old man’s name is Mr. McGregor. Mr. McGregor
    does not like rabbits eating his plants.

  • Ask students why Mr. McGregor is chasing Peter.
     Show image 9A-12: Scarecrow/Peter safe at home

  • Ask students what they see on the scarecrow. (jacket and shoes)

  • Point to Peter lying down on the ground.

  • Have students tell their partner why they think Peter is lying on the
    ground. Does he look healthy and well? Does he look tired?

  • Give students Response Card 9 (The Tale of Peter Rabbit) from
    Instructional Master 9A-1. Have students point out the characters on
    the response card. Tell students that three of the rabbits are good
    rabbits and one of the rabbits is naughty.

Vocabular y Preview
Ta l e

  1. Today’s story is called “The Ta le of Peter Rabbit.”

  2. Say the word tale with me three times.

  3. A tale is a make-believe story about someone’s adventures. A tale is
    also one kind of fiction. [Not to be mistaken with the word tail, as in an
    animal’s tail.]

  4. In today’s tale, many exciting things happen to Peter Rabbit.

  5. Can you predict, or guess, one thing that might happen in today’s

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