Garde 1 - Read-Aloud Supplemental Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Fables and Stories: Supplemental Guide 9B | The Tale of Peter Rabbit 161

Extensions 20 minutes

 Sequencing the Story (Instructional Master 9B-1)

  • Give each student a copy of Instructional Master 9B-1. Explain to
    students that this worksheet has pictures of events from the plot for
    “The Tale of Peter Rabbit.” Remind students that the plot is the events
    that happen in a story.

    • First, have students talk about what is happening in each picture.

    • Next, have them cut out the four pictures.

    • Then, students should arrange the pictures in their correct order to
      show the proper sequence of events.

    • When they think they have the pictures in the correct order, they
      should ask an adult to see if their order is correct.

    • Have students glue or tape the pictures on paper once they have
      been sequenced.

  • As students complete this activity, have them work with their
    partner or home-language peers to retell the story referring to their
    sequenced pictures.
    ➶ Some students may be able to write a short sentence about what is
    happening in each picture.

My Story: Plan

  • Tell students that they have heard many stories the past few weeks.
    You may wish to review Flip Book images of the fables and stories
    they have heard. Today they will plan their own story.

  • Ask students: “What does every story need?” (Every story needs
    characters, setting, and plot.)

  • Tell students that they will brainstorm ideas for characters, setting,
    and plot on a piece of chart paper or on the board.
    Note: Explain to students that you are going to write down what they
    say, but that they are not expected to be able to read what you write

TThe Tale of Peter Rabbithe Tale of Peter Rabbit

9 B

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