Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

100 Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 5A | People of the Nile

several thousands of years ago. Explain to them that part of the
read-aloud is factual information about the Egyptians, and the
other part is a made-up story of an Egyptian family with fi ctional
characters—Rensi (REN-see), Ipi (IP-pea), and Meret (MER-et). Ask
students if they think life in ancient Egypt was the same as or
different from life in Mesopotamia.

Vocabulary Preview 5 minutes

  1. In the next several read-alouds we will hear about the life of
    ancient Egyptians.

  2. Say the word Egyptians with me three times.

  3. Egyptians are people from or living in Egypt.

  4. There were Egyptians living in Egypt around the same time
    there were people living in Mesopotamia.

  5. [Show different pictures of ancient Egyptians. Invite students
    to describe what they see.]

  6. Today you will hear about the fl ooding of the Nile River.

  7. Say the word fl ooding with me three times.

  8. Flooding takes place when water rises and overfl ows onto the
    dry land around it. Flooding can help make the soil better for
    growing crops, but fl ooding can also ruin crops and homes if
    the water rises too high.
    [Show pictures of fl ooding.]

  9. The Egyptians both liked and feared the fl ooding of the Nile.
    They knew that fl ooding could be helpful as well as harmful.

  10. I am going to read some sentences. If my sentence shows
    how fl ooding can be helpful, stand up and say, “Flooding
    can be helpful.” If my sentence shows how fl ooding can be
    harmful, stay seated and say, “Flooding can be harmful.”

  • Flooding made the soil really good for planting crops. (Flooding
    can be helpful.)

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