Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 8A | Approaching the Great Pyramid 149

  1. With your partner, think of other buildings an architect can
    design. [Call on a few partner pairs to share.]

 Show image 8A-6: Setna pointing at the Great Pyramid in the distance

  1. In today’s story, a father and his daughter travel down the Nile
    to see the Great Pyramid.

  2. Say the word pyramid with me three times.

  3. A pyramid is a structure or building with triangular sides.

  4. [Invite a student to point to the pyramid in the distance. Show
    additional images of pyramids. Have students point out the
    triangular sides.]

  5. The family saw the Great Pyramid while on vacation in Egypt.

  6. Tell your partner what might be inside the pyramids; discuss
    why the ancient Egyptians built pyramids; and how they built
    the pyramids. [Tell students to listen to the read-aloud to see if
    they are correct.]

Purpose for Listening
Ask students what they remember about the ziggurats in
Mesopotamia. Explain that in today’s read-aloud, they will learn
about a building in ancient Egypt that was similar to the ziggurats
of Mesopotamia. Tell them that the building actually existed a
long time ago, even though this read-aloud is a made-up story.
Tell students that today’s read-aloud is about another father and
daughter’s trip on the Nile. Tell students to listen carefully to fi nd
out why the father and daughter are taking the trip.
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