Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

150 Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 8A | Approaching the Great Pyramid

Presenting the Read-Aloud 15 minutes

Approaching the Great Pyramid
 Show image 8A-1: Setna and Ahweru on boat
Long ago, there was an Egyptian priest named Setna (SET-nuh).
He was in charge of one part of a giant temple to the gods in his
city. Setna had a daughter named Ahweru (ah-WARE-oo), whom he
loved very much.^1 When Ahweru was old enough, her father took
her on a boat trip down the Nile to a place called Giza (GHEE-zah)
so she could see the Great Pyramid there.^2

 Show image 8A-2: Isis and Horus
They journeyed^3 for many days as passengers on a large sailing
ship. During the voyage, Setna explained to his daughter what
the Great Pyramid was and why it had been built. He said, “We
Egyptians say that far to the west lies a place called ‘the beautiful
west.’ When someone dies, he or she has the chance to travel
there. If they arrive safely, their spirit will be happy forever, for the
good god Osiris (o-SY-ris) is king there and takes good care of
everyone. But the journey^4 to this peaceful place is dangerous
and hard to make, and not everyone who tries to get there reaches
it. So we pray to Osiris and to his wife, Isis (EYE-sis), and to their
son, the falcon-headed god Horus. If they wish to do so, these
three can help us reach the beautiful west with their powers, so we
must make very sure that they like us.”^5
“The god Osiris will even let us bring any treasure we have
with us when we go there: pretty artwork, fi ne clothes, jewelry,
or whatever we most enjoy in this life so that we may have an
enjoyable afterlife.”^6
 Show image 8A-3: Djoser in royal bed
“Well, many years ago, there was a pharaoh^7 named Djoser
(JOE-sir). One night, Djoser dreamed that one of the gods told him
to build a special place for Djoser’s family and servants to put his

1 What was the father’s name? What
was the daughter’s name? [Ask
students to repeat the names after
you as you point out the characters
in the illustration.]

2 A pyramid is a structure with
triangular sides.

5 Remember that the ancient
Egyptians had a polytheistic
religion. What does that mean?

7 or Egyptian ruler

3 or traveled

4 or trip

6 The afterlife is the next life after

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