Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 8B | Approaching the Great Pyramid 157

  • Now you try with your partner: Use the possessive pronoun ours
    to tell your partner that something belongs to the both of you.
    Use this sentence starter to help you begin: “[Partner’s name],
    this is ours; it belongs to us.”

  1. When I am talking face-to-face with two or more people about
    something that belongs to them, I use the possessive pronoun yours
    to tell them that something belongs to them. Listen as I talk to [Ben,
    Josh, and Josie] to tell them that these books belong to them. “[Ben,
    Josh, and Josie], these books are yours; they belong to you.”

  • Now you try with your partner: Choose three classmates. Use
    the possessive pronoun yours to tell your classmates that
    something belongs to them. Use this sentence starter to help
    you begin: “[The names of three classmates], these are
    yours; they belong to you.”

  1. When I am talking about something that belongs to more than one
    person, I use the possessive pronoun theirs to show that something
    belongs to them. Theirs is used for more than one boy or girl. Listen
    as I say that something belongs to a group of people in our class.
    [Point to three students.] “This drawing is theirs; it belongs to them.”

  • Now you try with your partner: Use the possessive pronoun
    theirs to tell your partner that something belongs to a group of
    people in the class. Use this sentence starter to help you begin:
    “This is theirs; it belongs to them.”

  1. Now, I am going to say different sentences about the read-aloud that
    contain many of the possessive pronouns we just practiced. Please
    stand up or raise your hand when you hear one of those words.
    Remember, the possessive pronouns we just practiced are ours,
    yours, and theirs.

 Show image 8A-7: Setna and Ahweru on dock

  • [Point to the boat.] Setna tells Ahweru, “This boat is ours.” [Ask:
    “Who does ours refer to in this sentence?” (Setna and Ahweru)]

 Show image 8A-4: Djoser’s pyramid

  • Imhotep tells Djoser, “This pyramid is for you and your family.
    Once the pyramid is fi nished, it will be yours.” [Ask: “Who does
    yours refer to in this sentence?” (Djoser and his family)]

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