Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

158 Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 8B | Approaching the Great Pyramid

 Show image 8A-5: Setna and Ahweru on boat, looking at village

  • Setna points to the people on the shore, “We are going to visit a
    new village. This village is theirs.” [Ask: “Who does theirs refer
    to in this sentence?” (the people on the shore)]

 Vocabulary Instructional Activity^5 minutes
Word Work: Created

  1. In today’s story you heard Pharaoh Khufu say, “My pyramid
    will shine in the sunlight to honor Amon-Ra and to remind
    everyone that, just as he created the world, I created this
    pyramid and am also great.”

  2. Say the word created with me three times.

  3. Created means made something using your talents and

  4. Imhotep created the plans to build a pyramid.

  5. Have you created something lately? What did you create?
    [Ask two or three students. If necessary, guide and/or
    rephrase the students’ responses: “I created .”]

  6. What’s the word we have been talking about?
    Use a Sharing activity for follow-up. Directions: Pretend that, like Imhotep,
    you are an architect. What kind of building would you like to create? Why
    would you like to create that kind of building? How would your building
    look? What special things would your building have? How would your
    building be useful?

Pyramids and Ziggurats (Instructional 8B-1, optional) 15 minutes
Note: You may wish to fi ll in a Venn diagram as you review pyramids and
➶ Above and Beyond: For students who are able to fi ll in their own
Venn diagram, you may wish to give them a copy of Instructional
Master 8B-1.

  • Show students Image Card 11 (Pyramid). Ask students to
    identify what they see, talk about the image card, and share
    what they learned from the read-aloud about pyramids in
    ancient Egypt.

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