Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

182 Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 10A | The Story of Hatshepsut

So the Egyptians needed a new pharaoh. You might think they
would pick Hatshepsut, because she already knew how to do the
job. But tradition said the pharaoh had to be male, not female,
and we know how the Egyptians felt about changing rules.^5 So
Hatshepsut’s cousin became Pharaoh Thutmose the Second.
 Show image 10A-4: Pharaoh and Hatshepsut sitting on thrones
Then Thutmose the Second also died and the royal court chose
Hatshepsut’s young nephew to become Pharaoh Thutmose the
Third. But Hatshepsut had had enough of doing all the work while
someone else got to be pharaoh. She announced, “I have decided
to become co-ruler of Egypt with my nephew, Thutmose the Third.
We will be pharaohs together.”
One of the wise, old counselors hobbled forward and said,
“Excuse me, Princess, but I’m sure you remember that the
pharaoh has to be... a man!”^6
For what she did next, some people have called her “the fi rst
great woman in human history.”^7 Hatsheput simply replied, “That
is no problem. I offi cially declare myself a man!”^8
 Show image 10A-5: Hatshepsut dressed as a man with beard
So Hatshepsut and Thutmose the Third were both called
“pharaoh,” but she ran the country. She directed builders and
artists to put up pictures and statues of her dressed as a man, and
even wearing a beard. It was so hot in Egypt in those days before
air conditioning that, in order to stay cooler, Egyptians shaved their
heads, and the men wore no beards or mustaches. But pharaohs
wore skinny, fake beards in order to look wise. Only now it was a
woman wearing the beard!
 Show image 10A-6: Hatshepsut’s temple
Hatshepsut was an excellent pharaoh. She constructed one of
the greatest temples to the Egyptian gods, and she built up trade
between Egypt and some of her distant neighbors. Every time she
did something good, her builders would carve advertisements into

5 A tradition is doing something the
same way again and again over

6 Counselors are people who give

7 What do you think she did?

8 Declare means to announce or tell

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