Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 10A | The Story of Hatshepsut 183

the walls of buildings, describing the terrifi c job Hatshepsut was
After Hatshepsut’s death, Thutmose decided to put up walls
to cover up the images of Hatshepsut’s accomplishments. 9 He
wanted people to forget about Hatshepsut. Thutmose also set out
to conquer many other countries around Egypt, making Egypt and
its people incredibly rich and powerful. Today he is considered one
of the greatest of all the ancient pharaohs.
 Show image 10A-7: Statue of Hatshepsut
Thousands of years later, modern scientists took down the walls
hiding the temple carvings. Not only had those walls hidden the
carvings, they had actually kept harsh weather or other things from
destroying Hatshepsut’s image and the words she had chosen to
tell about herself. Alhough he had wanted to make people forget,
Thutmose had preserved by accident the memory of Hatshepsut,
the woman who made herself a pharaoh.

Discussing the Read-Aloud 15 minutes

Comprehension Questions 10 minutes

  1. Evaluative Were your predictions about how Hatshepsut was
    different from other leaders you have learned about correct?
    (Answers may vary.)

  2. Literal Did the ancient Egyptian civilization have a leader?
    (yes) What was the leader called? (pharaoh)

  3. Inferential What kinds of things did Hatshepsut do while
    pharaoh? (She had pictures and statues made of her dressed
    as a man; she had a temple built; she traded with neighbors.)

  4. Evaluative How was Hatshepsut different from the other
    pharaohs? (female)

  5. Evaluative How was Hatshepsut like other pharaohs? (ruler)
    [Please continue to model the Think Pair Share process for students,
    as necessary, and scaffold students in their use of the process.]

9 Accomplishments are things you
have done well.

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