Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

42 Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 2A | Writing in Mesopotamia

may also be used for transportation.) Say to students, “King
Hammurabi was responsible for building canals in Mesopotamia.
He had canals dug to move water all over Mesopotamia from the
two rivers, the Tigris and the Euphrates. King Hammurabi and his
helpers also collected water in a reservoir, so that there would be
water for drinking and for watering crops. This allowed people
to settle in one place near the river, and to have an opportunity
to make that place better and better, until it became the city of
Babylon. Do you think Hammurabi was a good leader?” (Answers
may vary.)

Essential Background Information or Terms 10 minutes
Explain that today’s read-aloud is a continuation of the read-aloud
they heard previously. They will hear more about Warad and Iddin,
and they will meet another boy from Mesopotamia, Iddin’s brother,
Amur (AH-moor). Point to Amur in the picture, and have students
repeat the name Amur after you. Tell students that, as the father
and his sons talk, they will learn more about King Hammurabi
and the decisions he made that helped shape the Mesopotamian
The main topic, or main idea, of today’s read-aloud is writing. Ask
students how people use writing today. Encourage them to identify
a wide range of uses for writing, including recording rules, making
lists, communicating safety information, or expressing one’s
Ask students what is needed in order to write in English. (pens or
pencils, paper, knowledge of sounds and letters to represent them,
Remind students that people all over the world speak and write
in many different languages. Ask students if all languages use the
same shapes to write the words they say. You may fi nd it helpful to
show students an example of Greek, Arabic, or Chinese writing.
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