Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 2A | Writing in Mesopotamia 43

Vocabulary Preview 5 minutes

 Show image 2A-2: Cuneiform

  1. In today’s story Warad shows Iddin and Amur cuneiform
    written on a tablet.

  2. Say the word cuneiform with me three times.

  3. Cuneiform is writing that was used in Mesopotamia.
    Cuneiform is made by drawing lines and wedges—or shapes
    that look like triangles.
    [Show students different images of cuneiform.]

  4. Warad wrote information down on a clay tablet using

  5. [Invite students to point to the lines and wedges of the
    Laws/Code of Hammurabi

  6. Today you will hear about laws called the Code of Hammurabi.

  7. Say the word laws with me three times.
    Say the words Code of Hammurabi with me three times.

  8. Laws are rules made by the leaders of a city, state, or country.
    People need to follow the laws. One of the fi rst laws ever
    written down is called the Code of Hammurabi, created
    by King Hammurabi. There are 282 laws in the Code of

  9. The people who visited Mesopotamia also needed to follow
    the laws of Mesopotamia called the Code of Hammurabi. The
    laws were written down on clay tablets so that everyone could
    see them.

  10. Let’s review the rules of our classroom, or the Code of
    [Room #].
    [At a later time, you may wish to talk about some of the
    laws in the Code of Hammurabi. You may wish to use this
    opportunity to review and update your classroom rules.]

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