Visualizing Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

482 Visualizing Nutrition

Chronic toxicity, 77
Circulation, ocean, 274–276, 275f
Cities. See also Urbanization
dust domes over, 205, 205f
as dynamic ecosystems, 181, 181f
largest, 184, 185f
reducing water waste in, 256
sustainable, 43
Civilian Conservation Corps, 54
Clallam Bay, Sekiu, Washington, 99f
Clean Air Act (CAA, 1970), 207–208
Clean Air Act Amendments (1990), 67,
68, 198, 207, 423
Clean Water Act, 266–267
Clean Water Act amendments (1987),
Clear-cutting, 326, 327f, 344
Cleveland, Grover, 52
Cleveland, Ohio, 61, 64f
Climate(s), 129, 218–221
biomes shaped by, 129f
factors determining, 218
and volcanic eruptions, 199f
Climate Adaptation and Mitigation
e-Learning portal, 58
Climate change, 222–230. See also Global
adaptation to, 229–230
and arctic tundra changes, 132
and carbon cycle, 122
causes of, 223–225
effects of, 226–227, 228f
government policies related to, 48
human-caused, 216
international implications of, 238,
mitigation of, 41–43, 229
and ocean temperatures, 290
and ozone thinning, 231–233
and precautionary principle, 91, 92
and water problems, 249
Climate Commitment (American College
and University Presidents), 58
Clinton, Bill, 35, 36
Closed shrublands, 130f
Coal, 418, 419t, 421–423, 421f
Coal-fired power plants, 235, 237
cleaner, 422, 423
and climate change, 122
nuclear plants vs., 433t
Coastal development, 288
Coevolution, 116, 116f
Coffee cultivation, 380
Cogeneration, 424, 460, 460f
Bear Lake, Rocky Mountain National
Park, 143f
Great Sand Dunes National Park, 320,
Colorado River Compact (1922), 250
Colorado River Delta, Mexico, 250f
Coltan, 317, 317f

Columbia River
Bonneville Dam, 255f
dams, 255–256, 255f
Grand Coulee Dam, 255f
hydropower from, 454
Columbia River Basin, 250
Combined heat and power (CHP), 424,
460, 460f
Combined sewer overflow, 262
Combined sewer systems, 262
Combustion, 106, 107
Command and control regulations, 67
Commensalism, 116, 117f
Commercial harvest, 385–386
Communities, 98, 99f
succession in, 151–153
Compact development, 183, 186
Competition, 120–121
Composting, 403, 403f, 404
Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Act
(CERCLA), 409, 412
Condenser (nuclear reactors), 432
Congaree National Park, South Carolina,
320, 321f
Conservation, 50
of land resources, 341
in mid-20th century, 54–55
policies and laws, 390–392
soil, 314–316
of species, 388–390, 389f
water, 256, 257f
Conservation biology, 386–390
Conservation easements, 335, 355
Conservation Reserve Program (CRP),
Conservation tillage, 41, 314, 315f
Consumers, 101–102, 102f
Consumption, 4
in highly-developed countries, 10
oil, 13t
and population growth, 6–7, 9
sustainable, 28–30
of groundwater, 263f
from mining, 308
reduced human exposures to, 61
Continental shelves, 425
Contour plowing, 314
Control group, 18
atmospheric, 194f
of building heat, 445
Convention on Biological Diversity, 392
Convention on International Trade in En-
dangered Species of Wild Flora and
Fauna (CITES), 392
Convergent plate boundaries, 299, 299f
Copper Basin, Tennessee, 296, 296f–297f,
Corals, 280
Coral bleaching, 42f, 289f

Coral reefs, 280–281, 280f, 281f, 288–289
Coriolis effect, 195, 195f, 274
Cornell University, New York, 17f
Costa Rica, 117f, 129f
Cost–benefit diagram, 66–67, 67f
Costco Busan oil spill (San Francisco Bay,
2007), 441, 441f
Council on Environmental Quality, 59
Cowles, Henry, 152–153
Crater Lake, Oregon, 260f
decline in varieties, 356
genetically modified, 357f, 363, 363f
genetic engineering of, 362–363, 362f
increasing yields, 356–357, 357f
world production of, 363f
Cropland, 131f
Crop rotation, 314
Crude oil, 423
Cullet, 406
Cultural diversity, 40
Culture, fertility rates and, 175–177
Culver City, California, 137t
Curitiba, Brazil, 186, 186f
Custer State Park, South Dakota, 136f
Cuyahoga River, Cleveland, Ohio, 61

Dams, 255–256, 255f, 454–455, 454f, 455f
Darwin, Charles, 147, 147f
Data, 17
DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane),
81–84, 82f, 84f, 366
Dead zones, 110, 293
Death, causes of, 74f
Death rate, 165, 166
Deciduous broad-leaved forest, 130f, 135f
Deciduous needle-leaved forest, 130f
Decommissioning (nuclear power plants),
Decomposers, 102, 102f
Deep ecology worldview, 32–34
Deep geothermal energy, 456, 457f
Deepwater Horizon oil spill, 428, 429f, 430
Deep-well injection, 414
Deforestation, 39, 328–331, 331f
and biodiversity decline, 380
boreal forests, 329
and climate change, 122
in early United States, 51
and evolution, 380
as global issue, 14f
results of, 329
tropical forests, 330
Delhi, India, 420f
Dematerialization, 405
Democratic Republic of the Congo
(DRC), 317
Demographics, 170–174, 171f
Demographic transition, 171f, 172
Denitrification, 110
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