Visualizing Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 483

trade in products made from, 392f
in the U.S., 390t
Endangered Species Act (1973), 390, 391
Endemic species, 379
Endocrine disrupters, 92
Energy, 100, 458–459, 462
alternative sources of, 48. See also
Renewable energy resources
and climate change, 42–43
commercial sources of, 423f
conservation of, 458–459, 462
consumption of, 420, 420f, 421f,
efficiency, energy, 458–462
global supply of, 426f–427f
light bulb use of, 30f
nonrenewable sources of,
potential and kinetic, 100, 100f
Energy conservation, 458–459, 462, 462f,
Energy efficiency, 458–462, 459f
Energy flow, 100–106, 103f
England, 20f
Enhanced greenhouse effect, 41, 224,
uranium, 431
water, 258
Entombment (nuclear power plants), 438
Entropy, 101
Environmental challenges, 2
global, 14f–15f
handling, 20–23, 21f
Environmental chemistry, 16
Environmental economics, 62–68
Environmental education, 58
Environmental ethics, 31
Environmental health hazards, 72–94
air pollution, 201
determining health effects of
pollutants, 85–89
disease-causing agents, 77–78
emerging diseases with environmental
change, 78–81
movement and persistence of
toxicants, 81–83
from ozone depletion, 231, 233
precautionary principle, 90–92
risk management with, 74–76
Environmental history, 48, 51–57
environmental movement, 55–56
forest protection, 51–52
mid-20th century conservation, 54–55
national parks and monuments,
timeline of, 57
Environmental impacts
of coal, 422
of industrialized agriculture, 358
of oil and natural gas, 428–430
Environmental impact statements (EISs),
59–60, 59f

Ecology, Community and Lifestyle (Arne
Naess), 33
defined, 62
environmental, 62–68
Economic development, 352
Economic growth, 4
Eco-roofs, 8
Ecosystems, 96–124
aquatic, 142–147
biogeochemical cycles, 106–113
ecological niches, 113–115
and ecology, 98–99
energy flow through, 100–106
interactions among organisms, 116–122
most-endangered, 341
protected, 342f–343f
at risk of climate-change loss, 227, 228f
worldwide protected ecosystems,
Ecosystem diversity, 375, 375f
Ecosystem services, 145, 376, 376f
of the atmosphere, 192
biodiversity and, 39
from government-owned lands and
rural areas, 322–323
soil organisms and, 311–312
and species richness, 376, 376f, 376t
wetlands and, 145
Ecotone, 374
Ecuador, 3t, 342f
E-cycling, 415
Edge effect, 375
Edison, Thomas, 30
Eduardo Avaroa Andean Fauna National
Reserve, Bolivia, 50f
Education, fertility rates and, 178, 178f,
Effective dose-50 percent (ED 50 ), 86
Aswan High Dam, 455, 455f
family planning in, 37f, 179f
Sinnuris, 179f
Ehrlich, Paul R., 10, 55
El Capitan, Yosemite National Park, 323f
Electrostatic precipitators, 206, 206f
El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO),
276–277, 276f, 290
El Yunque National Forest, Puerto Rico,
Emerging diseases, 78–81
Emigration, 161
Emphysema, 201
Endangered ecosystems, 341
Endangered species, 3t, 378, 379f, 390f,
captive breeding of, 389f
human causes of, 382, 384–386
protecting, 393, 393f
recovery of, 61
reintroducing to nature, 388
seed banks, 388, 389f, 390

Density (ocean water), 274
Derelict lands, 308
Desalinization, 254
Desert, 129f, 131f, 138–139, 139f, 139t
Desertification, 14f, 334–335, 334f
Detritus, 102, 132
Deval, Bill, 33
Dhaka, Bangladesh, 80f
Differential reproductive success, 148
Dimakay Island, Philippines, 148f
Dinosaur National Monument, 53
Dioxins, 87, 87f, 410–411, 410f
Direct solar energy, 444–449
active solar heating, 444–445, 444f
passive solar heating, 445, 445f
photovoltaic solar cells, 445–447, 446f,
solar-generated hydrogen, 448–449,
solar thermal electric generation,
447–448, 448f
Disease(s). See also specific diseases, e.g.:
emerging, 78–81
and global climate change, 227, 227f
pandemics, 80, 81, 278
waterborne, 455
Disease-causing agents, 77–78, 78t
Dispersal, 161, 174–175
Divergent plate boundaries, 298, 299, 299f
Dose, 85
Dose–response curve, 86, 86t
Drainage basin, 245
Drinking water
improvement in, 61
purification of, 264–265, 264f
waste from bottled water, 398f
Drip irrigation, 256
Dust dome, 205, 205f

Earth, layers and surface structure of, 298,
Earth Charter, 26
Earth Day, 55–56, 56f
Earthquakes, 300, 300f, 301
Eco-justice, 35. See also Environmental
Ecological footprint, 10
Ecologically certified wood, 328
Ecologically sustainable forest manage-
ment, 325–326
Ecological niches, 113–115
Ecological overshoot, 10, 11t
Ecological pyramids, 105, 105f
Ecological succession, 151–153, 152f
Ecology, 16, 98
landscape, 98–99
population, 160–164
restoration, 387, 388f

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