Visualizing Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

484 Visualizing Nutrition

Environmentalists, 55
Environmental justice, 35–36
Environmental legislation, 52–54, 59–61
Environmental movement, 55–56, 340
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
60, 207, 208
Environmental regulations, 60
Environmental resistance, 162–164
Environmental science, 16–20
goals of, 16–17
as a process, 17–20
Environmental taxes, 67
Environmental Working Group, 84
Environmental worldview, 32
Epicenter, 300
Epidemiology, 77
Epiphytes, 116
Equatorial uplift, 220
Erosion, soil, 313, 313f
Estracada, Oregon, 134t
Estuaries, 146, 146f
as brackish ecosystems, 146–147, 146f
and overdrawing of surface waters,
tidal power problems, 457
Ethanol, 450, 451
Ethics, 31, 36
Euphotic zone, 282
ethanol consumption, 451
GM crop opposition, 363
European Union
automobile recycling, 396
GM crop moratorium, 363
precautionary principle in, 91
Eutrophication, 143, 144, 260, 261
Eutrophic lakes, 260, 260f
Everglades, Florida, 126, 126f–127f, 127t
Evergreen broad-leaved forest, 130f
Evergreen needle-leaved forest, 130f
Evolution, 147–150, 150f, 377
Expansionist worldview, 32
Experimental group, 18
Exponential population growth, 162,
162f, 162t
Ex situ conservation, 386
External costs, 65, 306
Extinction, 378, 379f
Exxon Valdez oil spill, 428, 429f, 430
Eyjafjallajokull Volcano, Iceland, 199f

Falls Church, Virginia, 31f
Family planning, 37f, 39, 178–180, 179f
Faults, 300
Fecal coliform test, 78, 79f
Federal Land Policy and Management Act
(1976), 335
Federal lands, 322f
management of, 322–323, 323t, 340

national parks, 336–338
wilderness areas, 338–339
Fertility rates, 172t, 174
and culture, 175–177
and education, 178, 178f, 179f
and government policies, 180
replacement-level, 170
Fibrous root systems, plants with, 333
Fiji, 280f
First law of thermodynamics, 100
Fisheries, 284, 286–287
Fishing, 272
commercial fishing methods, 286f
entanglement in gear, 15f
overfishing, 272
Fish ladders, 255f
Fission, 431–432, 431f
Flooding, 246–247
Floodplain, 246–247
Everglades, 126, 126f–127f, 127t
green/brown anoles, 114, 114f
Lake Apopka, 92f
Orlando Wetlands Park, 266f
Pelican Island National Wildlife
Refuge, 339f
Flowing-water ecosystems, 144, 144f
Fluidized-bed combustion, 423
Fly ash, 402, 419t
Focus (earthquakes), 300
Food chains, 103, 103f, 105
Food insecurity, 40–41, 350
Food Quality Protection Act amendments
(1996), 92
Food resources, 350–352. See also
decline in crop varieties, 356
genetically modified, 357f, 363, 363f
increasing yields, 356–357, 357f
world grain stocks, 348, 348f–349f
Food security, 40–41, 348
Food Security Act (Farm Bill, 1985), 316
Food webs, 103, 104f, 113
Forbs, 333
Ford Motor Company, 8
Forest decline, 235, 236f
Forest management, 325–327
Forest Reserve Act (1891), 52
Forests, 324–332. See also Deforestation
boreal, 133, 133t
and climate change, 229
in hydrologic cycle, 324f
management of, 325–327
protecting and restoring, 39, 51–52
temperate deciduous, 135, 135t
temperate rain forest, 134, 134t
threats to, 131f
tropical rain forest, 140–142, 141t
in the U.S., 332
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), 328
Fort Smith, Northwest Territories,
Canada, 133t

Fort Yukon, Alaska, 132t
Fossil fuels, 106, 107, 111
air pollutants from, 200
greenhouse gases from, 229
and nuclear energy, 432, 434
reducing reliance on, 442
from solar energy, 219
Fossil record, 150f
Foundation for International Community
Assistance (FINCA), 180
Fracking (hydraulic fracturing), 428
France, 11t
Freshwater ecosystems, 142–145,
143f–145f, 230
Freshwater resources, 242–270
aquifer depletion, 248–249, 249f
global water issues, 251–254,
importance of, 244
improving water quality, 264–269
limited supply of, 242
management of, 254–257
overdrawing surface waters, 249–250
pollution of, 258–263
problems with, 246–253
salinization of irrigated soil, 250
shared, 251, 252f–253f, 254
Freshwater swamps, 145f
Freshwater wetlands, 145
Frog die-offs, 372, 372f–373f, 373t
Frontier attitude, 32, 51
Fuel assemblies (nuclear reactors), 432
Fuel cells, 449, 449f
Fuel consumption, climate change and,
Fuel efficiency, 459–460, 460f
Fuel rods, 432
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster
( Japan, 2011), 435, 435f
Fundamental niche, 113
Fungicides, 364, 364f
Fusion, 431

Galápagos Islands, 102f, 149f
Galápagos National Park, Ecuador,
Game Management (Leopold), 54
Ganges River, India, 268, 268f
Gause, G. F., 163
Gender roles
and status of women, 177–178, 177f
and total fertility rate, 175, 175f
Gene banks, 388, 390
General Circulation Models (GCMs), 226
Genetically modified (GM) crops, 357f,
362f, 363, 363f
Genetic diversity, 375–377, 375f
Genetic engineering, 362–363, 362f, 377
Genetic resistance, 365, 365t
Genuine progress indicator (GPI), 63
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