Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Hopefully, acquiring a good educa-

tion is one of the goals you listed in

the previous activity. While the goal

of this book is to help you be success-

fully recruited by a college coach and

receive financial aid for your athletic

ability, its mission is to help you

obtain the best possible education

you can.

That means the academic portion of

your high-school work is more important to your preparation for

future success and fulfillment than your athletic activities.

You may be one of the many young athletes who dream of

a career in professional sports. You may have been told by oth-

ers that nature has wired you up well enough that if you work

hard you could in fact become a professional athlete.

While many young American athletes dream of careers in

professional tennis, golf, softball, soccer, and track and field,

most student-athlete dreamers wish to be professional base-

ball, football, or basketball players. The truth is:

  • On average, fewer than 225 rookies earn a position on a
    professional football team in any one year.

chapter 4

Your Education

and Athletics



Tr u T h Is

You will do much

more important

things in your life

than compete in

athletic contests.

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