Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Sending Credentials 69

Credential evaluation

When college coaches and recruit-

ers receive your profile, cover letter,

and video, they will look at them

in a manner similar to the way pro-

spective employers look at resumes.

Once the profile has been evaluated,

coaches then consider their individ-

ual needs to determine their interest

in you. Factors such as the number of

graduating seniors on their roster, the players playing your posi-

tion and competing in your event, and available financial aid,

in addition to the previously mentioned academic and athletic

criteria, all contribute to the degree of interest coaches will have

in you as a prospect.

Interested Coach?

If they are interested, most colleges will send you an intro-

ductory letter and/or questionnaire. The questionnaire is an

important first step. You must understand, however, that its

function is more of an elimination process as compared to the

selection process. Remember, the only time you are techni-

cally offered a scholarship is by an athletic tender or a finan-

cial aid award letter.

The questionnaire sent by colleges serves several purposes;

but, very importantly, it is a tool with which the coach deter-

mines your interest in the college and in his or her program.

An important factor considered by the coaches is how quickly

you respond to any contact, be it a letter/questionnaire/phone

call. (If you have any interest in a college, send the informa-

tion requested immediately.)



Tr uT h Is

Not every college

you send your

credentials to will

contact you.

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