Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide PP | Pausing Point 125
Videos of Greek Myths
Materials: Videos of Greek Myths
Carefully peruse the Internet for short (5 minute), age-appropriate
videos related to the Greek Myths your students have heard.
Prepare some questions related to the content presented in the
Discuss how watching a video is the same as and different from
listening to a storybook or read-aloud.
Have students ask and answer questions using question words
who, what, when, where, and why regarding what they see in the
Riddles for Core Content
Ask students riddles such as the following to review core content:
- I am the leader of all the Greek gods and goddesses. Who am I?
(Zeus) - I am the Greek goddess of handicrafts, and I turned Arachne
into the world’s fi rst spider. Who am I? (Athena) - The ancient Greeks believed that I created humans and stole fi re
for them from the sacred hearth on Mount Olympus. Who am I?
(Prometheus) - I punished Prometheus for stealing fi re from the gods. Who am
I? (Zeus) - I opened my box and let all the evil and negative things into the
world. Who am I? (Pandora) - I am the Greek goddess of the harvest and farming. Who am I?
(Demeter) - I captured Demeter’s daughter and took her to the underworld.
Who am I? (Hades) - The seasons change when I am sad because my daughter is in
the underworld. Who am I? (Demeter) - I am a master inventor and a brilliant man. King Minos locked
my son and me in a tower. Who am I? (Daedalus)