126 Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide PP | Pausing Point
- I am the prince who defeated the Minotaur in the Labyrinth and
saved the Athenian youths. Who am I? (Theseus)
Class Book: Mount Olympus
Materials: Drawing paper, drawing tools
Tell the class or a group of students that they are going to make
a class book about Mount Olympus to help them remember
what they have learned about in this domain. Have the students
brainstorm important information about Mount Olympus: who
the ancient Greeks believed lived there, what it might look like,
etc. Have each student then draw a picture of what they imagine
Mount Olympus to look like, and ask him or her to write a caption
for the picture. Bind the pages to make a book to put in the class
library for students to read again and again.
Character, Setting, Plot
Materials: Drawing paper, drawing tools
Divide students into groups of three. Give each group a blank
piece of paper and have them fold their paper into thirds. Tell them
that you are going to name a character and that, in their groups,
one person should quickly sketch or write the name of another
character from the same myth and pass the paper and pencil to
the second student. The second student should quickly sketch
or write the name of a setting from that myth and pass the paper
and pencil to the third student. The third student should write one
sentence or key phrase about the plot of the myth. Once all three
sections of the paper have been fi lled out with character, setting,
and plot, the group should raise their hands.
Remind students that their sketches and writing do not need to be
perfect, but that their sketches and writing do need to relate to the
Give each group the opportunity to orally share its drawings and/
or writing.