Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide PP | Pausing Point 127
Somebody Wanted But So Then
Materials: Instructional Master PP-2
Explain to students that they are going to retell the stories of
Prometheus and Pandora, fi rst individually, and then together as
a class. Divide the class in half; one half will complete a chart for
Prometheus, and the other will complete a chart for Pandora using
Instructional Master PP-2, a Somebody Wanted But So Then
worksheet. Students who participated in the Core Knowledge
Language Arts program in Kindergarten and Grade 1 should be very
familiar with this chart and will have seen their Kindergarten and
Grade 1 teachers model the exercise. Have these students work in
pairs to orally fi ll in the chart together while one person acts as the
scribe. If you have any students who are new to the Core Knowledge
Language Arts program, you may wish to work with them individually
or in a small group, guiding them through the exercise.
If time allows, have students share their charts with the class.
As they recount the myths, you may wish to refer back to the
Flip Book images for this read-aloud. As students retell the read-
aloud, make sure to use complete sentences and domain-related
vocabulary to expand upon their responses. For your reference,
completed charts should be similar to the following:
Somebody Prometheus
Wanted Wanted to give his human creations fi re
But But fi re was only for the gods.
So So he stole some fi re and took it down to the earth for the
Then Then Zeus, the king of the gods, found out and punished
Somebody Pandora
Wanted Wanted to know what was inside the box
But But she was told not to ever open it.
So So, for a long time, she didn’t.
Then Then her curiosity got the better of her, and she opened it,
releasing pain and suffering into the world.