Grade 2 - Greek Myths

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

208 Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide DR | Domain Review


Image Review
Materials: Greek Myths Chart from previous lessons
Show the Flip Book images from any read-aloud again, and have
students retell the read-aloud using the images. Additionally, you
may wish to use these images to review the Greek Myths Chart
you created throughout the lessons.

Image Card Review
Materials: Image Cards 18–24
In your hand, hold Image Cards 18–24 fanned out like a deck of
cards. Ask a student to choose a card but to not show it to anyone
else in the class. The student must then perform an action or give
a clue about the picture s/he is holding. For example, for Hercules,
a student may pretend to be wrestling with a lion. The rest of the
class will guess the character being described. Proceed to another
card when the correct answer has been given.

Greek Gods Review
Materials: Greek Gods Posters
Use the Greek Gods Posters to review with students the
twelve main gods/goddesses of Mount Olympus, or the twelve
Olympians. Have students describe what each Greek god/goddess
was believed to be in charge of and what the ancient Greeks
believed it meant to be a god/goddess of something.

Riddles for Core Content
Ask the students riddles such as the following to review core

  • I am a very strong man who has to seek help from Apollo to
    learn how to control my own temper. Who am I? (Hercules)

  • I roam the land and kill many people before Hercules defeats me
    and takes my magical hide. What am I? (the Nemean lion)

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