Grade 2 - Greek Myths

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide DR | Domain Review 209

  • I am the biggest and strongest giant who holds up the sky as a
    punishment from Zeus. Who am I? (Atlas)

  • Having a lion’s body and the face and neck of a woman, I sit
    outside the city of Thebes and eat every person who tries to
    enter if they can’t guess my riddle. Who am I? (the Sphinx)

  • I solve the riddle of the Sphinx, causing her to fall to her death.
    Who am I? (Oedipus)

  • I am unhappy with Atalanta for making a joke out of love and
    cause her to marry Hippomenes. Who am I? (the goddess

Sequencing Events of Hercules

Materials: Image Cards 25–30; Instructional Master DR-1
Use Image Cards 25–30 to sequence and retell the myth of
Hercules. Talk about the beginning, middle, and end of the plot.
These Image Cards may also be used as a center activity.
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