Presidents and American Symbols: Supplemental Guide 5A | Thomas Jefferson 87
Use a Making Choices activity for follow-up. The opposite of
independence is dependence. Dependence means needing other
people’s help to do something. I am going to say some sentences.
If the person in my sentence shows independence, say, “S/he
shows independence.” If the person in my sentence does not show
independence, or shows dependence, say, “S/he shows dependence.”
- Carlos’s baby brother can feed himself.
- Janice counts on her older cousin to pick her up from school.
- Ziara can read this book on her own.
- Daniel gets himself ready for school.
- Yun-di needs someone to explain to him what others are saying in his
home language.
- He shows dependence.
Extending the Activity
Have students draw a picture of something they can do by themselves
that shows independence.
Complete Remainder of the Lesson Later in the Day