Star Wars_ Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1


The Force Sensitive Exile specialization possesses a
number of unique talents, referred to as Force talents.
Force talents are talents only available to individu-
als who possess a Force rating. They represent the
Force's ability to aid an individual in minor ways, not
complex enough to be individual Force powers. Often,
these talents represent the character's ability to un-
consciously tap into the Force; they are his instinctual
awareness of the Force and surroundings.

Force talents follow all the rules for talents, with the
additional caveat that they can only be used by indi-
viduals who have a Force rating of 1 or higher.


The primary means by which a Force user manipu-
lates the Force is not unconscious however. A true
Force user can deliberately tap into the Force to
change and manipulate himself and his surroundings.
The Force can allow someone to do things others may
see as fantastic or even unbelievable: levitating items,
blocking blaster shots with one's hands, controlling
the minds of others, and even predicting the future.
Force powers are the means by which a Force-sen-
sitive character accomplishes those tasks. In EDGE OF
THE EMPIRE, Force powers are broad and overarching
abilities that allow Force-sensitive characters to per-
form impressive and fantastic feats.
Each Force power focuses on a particular task that
can be performed through the manipulation of the
Force. The initial purchase of each Force Power costs
10 experience, although once purchased, the user
may spend additional experience to further custom-
ize and enhance his power.


Most Force sensitives use their Force powers through
a variant of EDGE OF THE EMPIRE'S core mechanic, as-
sembling a dice pool and rolling it to see if the pow-
er resolves successfully. However, unlike most skill
checks, Force power checks do not generate success-
es. Instead they generate resources that are spent to
fuel a power's effects.
Unless stated otherwise in the power's description, acti-
vating a Force power is an action. When a Force-sensitive
character attempts to activate a power, he creates a dice
pool that consists solely of a number of Force dice equal
to his Force rating. He then rolls the dice. Every light side
result O generates one Force point the character may
spend to fuel the power's abilities. Every dark side result
# generates no Force points, and is disregarded.

However, the dark side of the Force is always offer-
ing easy power, tempting a Force user to give in and

accept its aid. A Force sensitive character may choose
to allow one or more # to generate additional Force
points—in addition to the O- The consequences that
come with this choice can be dire, and can gravely
affect the individual who gives in to this temptation.
Full-fledged Jedi and other powerful Force users suf-
fer unique penalties for doing this that are not de-
tailed here. However, nobody is completely immune
from the consequences of choosing the quick and
easy path. A Force-sensitive character in EDGE OF THE
EMPIRE who wishes to use one or more # to provide
Force points for his power must flip one Destiny Point
from light to dark—if there are no light side Destiny
Points to flip, he may not use # at all. He then suffers
strain equal to the number of results he wishes to use.

The long-term consequences of constantly tapping
into the dark side of the Force are left up to the ro-
leplaying of the player and the GM. However, both
should keep in mind that the dark side is born of fear,
anger, and hatred, and these emotions should be
present in the Player Character.

Once a player character assembles his available
Force points, he consults his Force power and de-
termines how he will spend them. Most of a power's
abilities require one or more Force points to activate.
Unless specified otherwise, each ability may be acti-
vated multiple times.
Once the Force power has been resolved, this con-
cludes the character's action. A Force power is always
"successfully" activated, even if the check does not
generate any Force points to spend on the power.


PDGE OF THE EMPIRE assumes that any Player
tCharacter Force users are, at their core at least,
reasonably "good" individuals, not evil devotees
of the dark side. However, there may be cases in
which a player decides his character has fallen
to the dark side, and embraced it. Provided the
GM allows the player to use this character, the
rules for dark side Force use are a mirror for light
side Force use. In the case of a dark side Force
sensitive character, the check is still made as nor-
mal. However, the O are counted as Force points,
while the • are discarded. If the dark side Force
user wishes to use light side results to generate
additional Force points, he must still flip one
Destiny Point from light to dark and suffer strain
equal to the number of results he wishes to use.

The GM may also wish to use NPCs or adversar-
ies who are dark side Force users. In this case,
they follow the rules for dark side Force users
as described above unless their descriptions
specify otherwise. However, the GM would flip
a Destiny Point from dark to light instead.


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