Star Wars_ Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1


lanets are typically the smallest political and
cultural unit recognized by the galactic govern-
ment. Only the oldest and most powerful have
their own Imperial Senator. Most have a plan-
etary governor who oversees the entire star sys-
tem, except in systems with multiple planets of
significant population or influence.

In the early days of the Republic, star systems
were organized into sectors containing fifty worlds
with a significant population, regardless of physical
size. Nonstop exploration and colonization forced
changes to the system to keep from overwhelming
galactic governance. Under the Galactic Empire,
sectors became more important as political units

and for military organization. Groups of sectors
were collected into Oversectors, allowing the Impe-
rial military to conduct operations across sectors
with less political interference. Areas with active
military campaigns became Priority Sectors.

Regions are the largest territory designations
in galactic governance. The term region varied
from era to era, with some referring to areas later
divided into sectors. In the Empire, the term re-
gion typically refers to a galactic-scale area of the
galaxy, related to the expansion of galactic gov-
ernments. This includes vast areas such as the
Core Worlds or Outer Rim.

Notable Locations: Abregado-rae, Thyferra,
Yag'Dhul, Sullust, Eriadu, Sluis Van, Dagobah, and
Kal'Shebbol (Kathol Sector capital world).


The Hydian Way is the only major hyperlane to span
the entire galactic disc. Pieced together from many
smaller routes, the Hydian Way extends from the
southern areas, through the Core Worlds, bends back

to the northeast edge of the galaxy, and ends at the
Corporate Sector. While the Hydian Way has fewer in-
fluential systems directly in its path, it links to many
greater and lesser routes throughout the galaxy. It
crosses the Perlemian Trade Route at Brentaal, the
Corellian Run at Denon, the Rimma Trade Route at
Eriadu, and the Corellian Trade Spine at Terminus.
Notable Locations: Bonadan (Corporate Sector cap-
ital world), Telos, Mandalorian Space, Taris, Brentaal,
Denon, Malastare, Eriadu, Mustafar, and Terminus.

The Deep Core


he Deep Core is the astronomically chaotic, star-
packed region orbiting the massive black hole at the
center of the galaxy. Given the high density of star sys-
tems and the extreme fluctuations in the gravitational
field, hyperspace travel through the Deep Core is ex-
tremely difficult if not impossible, and always highly
dangerous. Very few navigational routes exist, and
most of them are closely guarded Imperial secrets.


Given the difficulty in penetrating the Deep Core, ga-
lactic expansion naturally radiated outwards, along
easier paths towards the rim and open space. While a
few deep core systems are inhabited, most are not, or
are too difficult to reach and survey.

Despite the difficult location, a few Deep Core worlds
had a great impact on galactic history. It is believed the
origins of the Jedi and the Force came from one of the
isolated Deep Core worlds. One of the galaxy's most
influential systems in ancient times was Empress Teta,

a major supplier of carbonite and one of the original
sources of human expansion into the galaxy.
However, for much of galactic history, the Deep Core
was largely ignored by the rest of the galaxy. However,
Chancellor Palpatine seized on the opportunity given
by the Clone Wars to secretly scour the region for new
hyperspace routes and usable worlds. He turned some
of the data over to Separatist forces to launch a sur-
prise attack on Coruscant near the end of the conflict.
The rest of the information he kept secret. It is rumored
he silenced anyone involved in the scouting missions.
Some of the Empire's most highly guarded secrets
are the routes into the Deep Core. The Emperor es-
tablished the Deep Core Security Zone, making any
travel illegal without the proper permits and autho-
rizations from the Imperial Security Bureau and the
Bureau of Ships and Services (BoSS). Travel within
the Deep Core is highly regulated and patrolled with
extreme security. Only a handful of systems are ever
open to receive hyperspace traffic, usually only a cou-
ple at a time. Known worlds are largely unpleasant

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