Star Wars_ Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1
and unlikely to draw the typical merchant or tourist
traffic. They include prison planets, industrial worlds,
and indentured or enslaved mining colonies.
Some systems have been secretly colonized by Im-
perial decree; many are heavily protected "fortress
worlds." Among these many presumed secrets is the
planet Byss, deep in the heart of the Core. Byss is
the Emperor's personal retreat at the end of the ex-
tremely dangerous Byss Run hyperroute. Unknown to
the galaxy at large, he trains acolytes and others in
the ways of the dark side, and conducts disturbing
experiments. Also along the route is Prakith. home to
the Emperor's feared. Force-wielding High Inquisitors.


The following are areas of interest within the Deep
Core, at or before the rise of the Empire.
Byss: Byss is the Emperor's ultra-secret personal re-
treat and foremost fortress world, located at the end
the Byss Run. Access is highly regulated, and even
knowing of the world's existence is a death sentence.
Most believe it is a myth or propaganda.

Byss Run: This is a highly unstable and dangerous
hyperspace route from Empress Teta to Byss, via
Prakith. The Empire main-

tains navigational aids to keep the secret route vi-
able. Much of the Byss Run was used by General
Grievous to attack Coruscant, using an unstable path
starting beyond the Byss Run at Abregado-rae in the
Core Worlds.

Empress Teta system (Koros Major): Empress
Teta is still a producer of carbonite, after thousands
of years of mining and production. The Emperor's
Deep Core exploration efforts start in this system. It
remains one of the more easily and frequently visited
systems in the Deep Core.

Koros Trunk Line: The ancient, main hyperroute for
the majority of travelers into the Deep Core is the Koros
Trunk Line. It has long been heavily used for transporting
carbonite from Empress Teta to Coruscant and beyond.
Prakith: This is the fortress world of the High Inquisi-
tors, housing their headquarters, the Citadel Inquisi-
torius. Prakith is well defended in space and on the
ground. High Inquisitors train and bring their unfortu-
nate prisoners to this world.

Tython: Tython is a largely inaccessible planet where the
Force was thought to have been originally discovered in
the ancient past. Early worshipers of the light side left
the planet to eventually become the first Jedi Knights.


The Deep Core? Do you have a death wish? Tell you what, I'll just shoot you now and take your ship. It's the same
result either way, except your ship doesn't go to waste.
Okay, listen. I don't know who put this idea in your head, but it's a bad one. First, the Deep Core is a navigational
nightmare. I don't care how good your astrogator is, but dodging stars, unpredictable gravitational fields, and
enormous black holes stacks the odds against you enormously. The whole region is a natural disaster area and
hyperspace deathtrap, which is why nobody goes there.
Well, it's the original reason nobody goes there. These days, nobody is allowed to go there. The Empire
has set up this thing called the Hyperspace Security Net to make sure no one gets into the Deep Core
Security Zone without his mighty majesty's permission. Rumor has it that the Security Net has interdictor
ships, minefields, and entire starfleets patrolling the few routes in. If you ask me, anything the Emperor
wants to guard that badly? He can have it.
Permission? Sure, it's possible, if you have the credits for outrageous fees, the time for Imperial bureaucracy, and,
preferably, some sort of corporate or political backing. Oh, also the Imperial Security Bureau will do a complete
background check. I know you; you won't pass. And if by some miracle you do, you'll fly by an Imperial schedule,
using a route and destinations to their liking. If you stray off course, they'll just kill you.
Now, I've only heard of two good reasons to brave all that. One is credits. Of course, if someone is pay-
ing you that much, you will likely be up to something that the Imperials won't like. Still, I've heard they
occasionally need pilots for plain old supply runs in there, so maybe it's possible. There's probably some
plum corporate contract involved. I can look into it for you.

The other reason is to find someone, or something. There were plenty of rumored prison planets and slave worlds
in the Deep Core. Someone might hire you to break someone out, which is no small feat. More likely though, you'll
be after someone you care about. All I can say is, do your homework, don't underestimate your chances, and
good luck. Frankly, it's easier to just join the Imperial Navy. Now listen, I have much easier, and more profitable,
opportunities out there than the Deep Core. Even working for the Hutts gives you a longer life expectancy.

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