150 Insects: Supplemental Guide 8 | Friend or Foe?
Lesson Objectives
Core Content Objectives
Students will:
Explain that insects are the largest group of animals on Earth
Explain that there are many different types of insects
Identify ways in which insects can be helpful to people
Identify ways in which insects can be harmful to people
Language Arts Objectives
Students will:
Identify the main topic of “Friend or Foe?” (RI.2.2)
Describe the connections between actions taken by humans
and the extinction of some insects (RL.2.3)
Plan, draft, and edit an informative text that presents information
about insects, including an introduction to a topic, relevant
facts, and a conclusion (W.2.2)
With guidance and support from adults and peers, focus on the
topic of insects and strengthen writing as needed by revising
and editing (W.2.5)
Use the antonyms foe and friend appropriately in oral language
Identify new meanings for the word bug and apply them
accurately (L.2.5a)
FFriend or Foe?riend or Foe?