Kindergarden - Nursery Rhymes and Fables

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

16 Nursery Rhymes and Fables: Supplemental Guide 1 | Roses Are Red & Ring Around the Rosie

Advance Preparation
Prepare a copy of Instructional Master 1A-1 for each student; cut in
half. Refer to the halves as Response Card 1 for “Roses Are Red” and
Response Card 2 for “Ring Around the Rosie.” Students can use these
Response Cards for preview, for discussion, for review, and to answer
If available, have fresh roses (with thorns removed from stems) and
violets for Discussion Question #7 to show or pass around to students for
them to see, touch, and smell.
Have pictures of different types of common flowers (e.g., daisies, tulips,
sunflowers, to show to students for the Different Flowers activity.)
Note to Teacher
As you begin reading nursery rhymes to your students, guide them to
notice how nursery rhymes have rhyming words, are spoken to a certain
beat, have silly characters, tell about silly events, and even have silly
words. Playful repetition will help students enjoy and learn these rhymes.
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