Kindergarden - The Five Senses

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
The Five Senses: Supplemental Guide 2B | I Use My Ears to Hear 55

 Show image 3A-2: Sound wave diagram

  1. The sound waves are coming out of the radio.
    The sound waves are invisible.
    The sound waves are coming out of the radio, and they are
    The invisible sound waves are coming out of the radio.
    The sound waves coming out of the radio are invisible.

  2. Sound waves are like ocean waves.
    Sound waves move up and down.
    Sound waves are like ocean waves and move up and down.
    Sound waves move up and down like ocean waves.

➶ Above and Beyond: Students work with their partners to build longer
sentences. Model for students how each person takes a turn to say
a short sentence about the picture and how to combine the short
sentences into one longer sentence.

 Vocabulary Instructional Activity
Word Chart: Volume
Materials: chart paper; different pictures showing soft or loud
sounds; glue or tape
Optional materials: magazines; scissors
Draw a line down the middle of the chart paper. Place a picture of a
loud sound on the left column and a picture of a soft sound on the right
 Show image 3A-5: Fire alarm

  1. In the read-aloud you heard, “The loud volume of the fire alarm makes
    you want to run away from it.”

example non-example

Word Chart Template

  1. Say the word volume with me three times.

  2. Volume is used to describe how loud a sound is, such as the honking
    of a car horn; or how soft and quiet a sound is, such as the turning of
    a page.

  3. We will make a two-column Word Chart for the word volume. [Show
    Image Card 13 (Fire Alarm)]

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