72 The Five Senses: Supplemental Guide 3A | I Use My Nose to Smell
Introducing the Read-Aloud 15 minutes
Lesson Introduction
Show image 1A-1: Five photos demonstrating senses
- Ask one student to come up to the picture to point to and name one
of the senses and its associated body part. - Ask students to say sense of sight with you while pointing to their
eyes. Ask students to say sense of hearing with you while pointing to
their ears. - Now point to the picture of the girl smelling a flower and ask students
to tell their partner what they think today’s lesson will be about.
Making Connections
- Tell students that today they are going to learn about the sense of
smell. - Have students repeat the phrase sense of smell while pointing to their
nose. - Now tell them to close their eyes and try to smell the different
scents—or smells—all around them. Pass around a few classroom
items and have students smell them while their eyes are closed:- glue
- crayon
- construction paper
- soap
- Instruct students to open their eyes. Ask, “What did you smell?”
Briefly, have students share.
Vocabular y Preview
- Today’s lesson is called, “I Use My Nose to Smell.”
- Say the word smell with me three times.
- Smell means to sense by sniffing an odor or scent with your nose.
- I use my nose to smell.
Dylan smelled the popcorn burning in the microwave, and he quickly
told his mother about it.