Kindergarden - The Five Senses

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

72 The Five Senses: Supplemental Guide 3A | I Use My Nose to Smell

Introducing the Read-Aloud 15 minutes

Lesson Introduction
 Show image 1A-1: Five photos demonstrating senses

  • Ask one student to come up to the picture to point to and name one
    of the senses and its associated body part.

  • Ask students to say sense of sight with you while pointing to their
    eyes. Ask students to say sense of hearing with you while pointing to
    their ears.

  • Now point to the picture of the girl smelling a flower and ask students
    to tell their partner what they think today’s lesson will be about.

Making Connections

  • Tell students that today they are going to learn about the sense of

  • Have students repeat the phrase sense of smell while pointing to their

  • Now tell them to close their eyes and try to smell the different
    scents—or smells—all around them. Pass around a few classroom
    items and have students smell them while their eyes are closed:

    • glue

    • crayon

    • construction paper

    • soap

  • Instruct students to open their eyes. Ask, “What did you smell?”
    Briefly, have students share.

Vocabular y Preview

  1. Today’s lesson is called, “I Use My Nose to Smell.”

  2. Say the word smell with me three times.

  3. Smell means to sense by sniffing an odor or scent with your nose.

  4. I use my nose to smell.
    Dylan smelled the popcorn burning in the microwave, and he quickly
    told his mother about it.

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