86 Stories: Supplemental Guide 5A | The Bremen Town Musicians
Show image 5A-6: The four animals serenading in the window
- Ask what students think the animals are doing outside the window.
- Tell students that a family lives in the house and the father and uncle
are at the window.
Show image 5A-7: The uncle sneaking in while the animals are
sleeping - Have students describe this picture.
- Point out, or have students point out, the images of the animals and
the uncle.
Show image 5A-8: The uncle running away from the house - Have students describe this picture.
- Ask students to guess why the man is running away.
- Give students Response Card 5 (The Bremen Town Musicians) of
Instructional Master 5A-1. Have them point out the characters of this
story—the donkey, dog, cat, rooster, the father, and the uncle.
Vocabular y Preview
- In today’s story, you will hear that the dog grew old and wanted to
leave his home to see the world. - Say the word old with me three times.
- Something that is old has been around for a long time and is not
young. Something that is old might not be as useful anymore. - The school building is old and has many cracks in the wall.
- Tell your partner about things that are old. Use the word old when you
tell about it. Each person gets three turns.
Behind/In Front of
Show image 5A-7: The uncle sneaking in while the animals are
sleeping - In today’s story, you will hear that the dog lay behind the door...
[Point to the dog behind the door.]
... and the cat curled up in front of the fireplace. [Point to the cat in
front of the fireplace.]